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Everything posted by chirp

  1. It's a start anyway, finally some action!
  2. chirp


  3. chirp

    Job Seeker

  4. Thanks for all the input! Good info on the Stella about the rubber, I was lusting for it but not as much now Also I am busy checking out the other recommendations currently! Jim, that cordless unit looks nice but is it huge? I guess compared to the other attached battery packs it probably is just the same. The attachments look bomber tho.
  5. Getting dialed for night commuting and single track trips and I am in a quandary. The classic Niterider MiNewt 200 is pretty cheap now but perhaps a better version is on the way. However I like the posted specs for the Light & Motion Stella 300 which is obviously more powerful and pricey. Anyone have a thought either way?
  6. chirp

    God vs. Allah

  7. chirp


  8. Gonna fire up the oven and do a little baking.
  9. Yeah, I gotta second this. My buddy gave me some for free and they were excellent. I went to buy my own after that, coughed at the $1/packet price and instead went for the nescafe instant packs. That was a mistake - the nescafe packets are terrible. As pricey as the 'bucks via packets are, it tastes damn good and it's ground in to a fine powder that mixes perfectly. Now I need to find them at a bulk discount price... It tastes ok, a little "instanty" but is very light and packable. Even as an employee of the green giant with unlimited access to it I still will haul my Ti coffee press and a bag of grounds into the wilderness for the pure flavor and ritual the press provides. Ti press
  10. Delish!
  11. Looks great! Gotta find me a copy!
  12. Grats man, savor the new freedom and have fun!
  13. I love that man! And a big YES to the passage!
  14. chirp


    If you want a pair of wheels that really hold up, forget all the trick/bs wheelsets. Go to a competant local wheelbuilder and have them build you a 36 spoke wheelset. My reccomendation would be to do Phil Wood hubs, and Velocity Dyad rims. they will not be cheap or particularly light, but they will be near bombproof! Jim I would listen to Jim if I were you, he knows his stuff.
  15. Thanks O_W for the tip! My dad had one when I was a kid till he was broadsided in North Tacoma and rolled it. I remember it rolling like a big metal log several times till we ended up upside down. Only person wearing a seat belt was my father who sustained the only injuries, the rest of us just flopped around in it like rocks in a tumbler.
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