Completely unrelated to climbing and such, I have been looking for the name of a movie my wife and I turned off early in 1992, I can give some general scenes but no complete theme. It represents about 19 years of wonder and zero complete info. It was also probably from a few years prior.
The basics are we were surfing and came across a strange movie that starred a "African American" from the civil war era escaped to the Southwest who befriended a "hispanic or native american outcast".
They found refuge in an abandoned and decrepid adobe church.
The gist went like this: The outcast went off to look for food/water/supplies while the "AA" stayed behind and was subsequently stoned to death by local community that had some creepy young man that played a flute.
The outcast friend returned with his back loaded with cages of live chickens only to find his friend dead.
I am totally serious about the movie, this is just what we remember as we changed the channel shortly after and would like to find some history on it now.
It was a super random flick and our curiousity has grown much since that day.
Thanks in advance for serious and respectful replies.