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Everything posted by chirp

  1. I was rummaging thru some old stuff and found some Cordless products. What ever happened to them, they seemed to drop off the face of the earth?
  2. chirp

    Movie search

    Thats actually a resource I did not consider. Thanks O_W
  3. I love a good Feta.
  4. chirp

    Movie search

    Completely unrelated to climbing and such, I have been looking for the name of a movie my wife and I turned off early in 1992, I can give some general scenes but no complete theme. It represents about 19 years of wonder and zero complete info. It was also probably from a few years prior. The basics are we were surfing and came across a strange movie that starred a "African American" from the civil war era escaped to the Southwest who befriended a "hispanic or native american outcast". They found refuge in an abandoned and decrepid adobe church. The gist went like this: The outcast went off to look for food/water/supplies while the "AA" stayed behind and was subsequently stoned to death by local community that had some creepy young man that played a flute. The outcast friend returned with his back loaded with cages of live chickens only to find his friend dead. I am totally serious about the movie, this is just what we remember as we changed the channel shortly after and would like to find some history on it now. It was a super random flick and our curiousity has grown much since that day. Thanks in advance for serious and respectful replies.
  5. No, just down with, and comfortable the current "lingo" of the 21st century. You? Appropriate use of specific language/lingo/slang is valid if one posesses the sense enough to utilize it properly, often it is used with a mild ":)" but I chose to run "commando". TYVM
  6. And what really defines the genres. Overstepping the OP's original intention but I firmly believe the visceral essence is the core of what makes great metal, two examples. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0tzZ__Z5Qw [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lDcp_vD6HI
  7. I realize I am crossing a fine line between metal and "grunge" but really its hard to define a genre that incites a specific salivitory reaction and makes your erector pili do what they do! [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvOslApgmIE
  8. That looks alot like a piece of Antimony (Sb) I own. Funny Story, as a kid I used to break bits of it off and place the small (2-4mm) chunks on my moms old stovetop elements till it melted. I would place a small piece of basalt near the melted Antimony and the vapors would collect and recrystallize on the new matrix of basalt forming intricate crystals of Valentinite (Sb2O3). Fun as hell till mom saw the elements and smelled the kitchen. The Valentinite specimens I would make were awesome as micromounts. ...just Sayin.
  9. Props to Jesse Mease at BD for his support. Thanks to everyone on this web site for their help and input...
  10. seattlefabrics.com
  11. The land of the rising sun kicks some...really. [video:youtube]
  12. [video:youtube]
  13. Thats the beauty, every mind level or state has its own genre, the puzzle is what it connects to in each different fan.
  14. Your kind of a "pop metal" fan huh kev?
  15. This is a job for JDjr!
  16. Its not exact but its a pretty little 50cm hammer that was cheap and should provide a nice aesthetic balance to my adze
  17. chirp


  18. This Sunday. Enumclaw. Want to do it again? This Sunday, Point Defiance...you, me and 2 dogs...you name the time...preferably before noon. seriously.
  19. Danger Will Robinson. But Robinson might be considered an African American name so I gotta be careful
  20. FW, please tell her the vodka was to blame, I am still sore from our last meeting. God bless
  21. I would love to see Sandy Bergers penis, could you hook me up Fairweather?
  22. All political threads make me feel the inverse of this image.... Mods, please do what the fuck you feel like...thank you fucking very much. God Fucking Bless.
  23. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-EXt3FG8NM [video:youtube] [video:youtube] [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrclNyck6HY [video:youtube] [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwrFPuPf6w
  24. chirp

    The New Poor

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