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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. A few years ago I lived in a condo up on Capitol Hill. Late one night I heard a bunch of shots right outside. I crawled over to the window and peered out and saw a taxi idling in the middle of the street and shortly after I heard the sirens coming. Turns out the passenger bolted from the cab without paying. Taxi driver apparently chased him toward his doorway and passenger turned toward him. Taxi driver thought he had a gun and blasted him. Also turns out that wasn't the first victim of that driver.
  2. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2001833366_webskier09.html
  3. I just returned from Lillooet and came back with a numb and slightly discolored ring finger on my right hand. I'm not going anywhere cold for a while.
  4. And then: Bush gets reelected in a landslide. Countless cc.com posters off themselves as a result. Boston Basin permits become easy to obtain.
  5. Or it could be that nobody wants to subject themselves to Monday morning quaterbacking.
  6. You should worry more about getting your post count up.
  7. Just yours up in Canada. God, that explains sooo many things...
  8. Catturd, no wonder you're such a pussy.
  9. Well, I believe Fred Beckey is down in Mexico as we speak and not likely to log on to cc.com.
  10. When asked about this, Cheney characterized the four previous posters....
  11. vegetablebelay


  12. You could apply Murray's flawed logic to any country. Iraqis loved freedom under Saddam as well, they just expressed it differently. Puh-lease.
  13. Fee collection on that page could be an entirely different category than enforcement which would be the bulk of any expenses.
  14. Bush honors anniversary of first flight Effort to re-enact flight falls short Wednesday, December 17, 2003 Posted: 1:21 PM EST (1821 GMT) KILL DEVIL HILLS, North Carolina (CNN) -- The Wright brothers would have sympathized. One hundred years after the brothers' first flight, a meticulous reproduction of the 1903 Wright Flyer made a valiant attempt to take to the air on Wednesday. Much like many of the brothers' early efforts, the plane could not get airborne. It struggled down a narrow track and unceremoniously came to a halt in a mud puddle. Crowds cheered as the twin engines of the wood-and-muslin fragile aircraft came to life. But the re-enactment of the historic 12-second, 120-foot flight was not to be. continued at cnn.com
  15. I thought you were dredging up "Project Bandaloop".
  16. Gotta love the lefty thinktank here. Call up Dean and get on the campaign, and don't forget the fake turkey!
  17. He hasn't been the leader of Iraq for over 8 months. He was the prisoner of a 25 million dollar reward for his head, and a country that would rejoice at his demise.
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