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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Stay tuned then, because there is a decent chance we'll get bin laden if he's alive and it may happen anytime between now and sometime in the future.
  2. Heck, even fellow shrill, undersexed square, Norm Dicks says: "With all due respect to my colleague, that is a fantasy," Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., told Ross after McDermott's comments were aired. "That just is not right. ... It's one thing to criticize this administration for having done this war. I mean, that's a fair question. But to criticize them on the capture of Saddam, when it's such a big thing to our troops, is just ridiculous." http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_121603WABmcdermottsaddamSW.a9ee3fae.html
  3. He sounds just like the rest of you frothing-at-the-mouth Bush haters. By the way the turkey was fake.
  4. I figure I'd put everyone on this list on ignore.
  5. Is there a way to track who is the most ignored poster? Just wondering.
  6. See if this guy still has his. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB10&Number=253307&page=5&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 Nevermind, it was a small and looks like he sold it.
  7. Well I drive a full sized SUV and feel no need to justify it. It's funny some people would judge me without knowing a thing about what I need it for.
  8. Not even close. You're so blinded by hate you haven't uttered a rational thought in weeks.
  9. No way, no how, no reason to even waste the time posting this ridiculous request.
  10. I really don't think people think you're mean. They might have other thoughts. They think I'm mean. See the difference?
  11. Yeah, spill it. And Lambone I'm still cool and I haven't been anything but cool to you. If you don't like what I say to somebody then moderate away as you've shown you are so good at. By the way, just how moderate is calling someone a "fuckstick"? You'd ban me if I reciprocated.
  12. If you live in the PNW and want to take trips to the mountains in winter, you should practice driving in the snow so you don't fear it. They plow the road to Paradise, but you still could be driving on snowy/icy roads with "chains required" and you should always plan for this contingency when you head to the mountains.
  13. vegetablebelay


    I heard on the radio this morning they were going to encourage teachers and students to go to school, but discuss the issues in class vs. the lesson plan. You better start studying so you'll have something to talk about.
  14. From today's issue of Investor's Business Daily Revoltin' Revision INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY Government Statistics: For Democrats who thought they had co-opted the economy as an issue, the news just keeps getting worse. Even the old news. Take Wednesday's announcement by the Commerce Department that revisions to official figures show the U.S. was on the brink of recession months earlier than previously thought. Specifically, the changes show that GDP shrank 0.5% in the third quarter of 2000 vs. previous estimates of 0.6% growth. Until now, statisticians at Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis believed the economy did not start shrinking until early 2001. Now let us explain that loud "Doh!" you heard from Democratic national headquarters. It was about this time three years ago, when the Clintons were moving out of the White House and the Bushes were moving in, that the president- and vice president-elect came under fire for suggesting the economy was not as strong as generally portrayed. "There are," George W. Bush said on Dec. 5, 2000, "some warning signs about our economy that I think we ought to take seriously." He was echoing running mate Dick Cheney, who two days earlier cited "growing evidence that the economy is slowing down" and postulated that "we may well be on the edge of recession." The outgoing administration did not take kindly to these assessments. Growth in the Clinton years, after all, had averaged 4%, a spokesman protectively reminded the bumptious newcomers. And, not to put too fine a point on it, he noted that the first Bush administration was able to manage only a 1.7% gain. What's more, he said, private-sector economists saw growth of 2.5% in 2001. Even Clinton himself got into the act a couple of weeks later. Appearing with Bush at the White House on Dec. 21, Clinton said it was unlikely the nation was headed for a recession. "The president spoke with a smile on his face," according to one report, "while Bush sat by silently." More than historical accuracy was at stake. By "talking down" the economy, according to Clinton's chief economic adviser, Bush and Cheney were trying to "gain short-term political positioning" for the $1.3 trillion tax cut they were pushing and Congress was resisting. To his credit, Bush stuck to his guns. "In all due respect, I have said that there are some warning signs on the horizon," he told members of Congress. "I think people are going to find out that when I'm sworn in as the president, I'll be a realist. And if there are warning signs on the horizon, we need to pay attention to them." Today, with growth revving near a 20-year high, thanks in large part to the tax cuts Bush eventually got through, we should all be glad that realism reigned and attention was paid. www.investors.com
  15. http://www.blackbearheaven.com/world-record-grizzly-bear.htm
  16. Hey Trask, looks really nice. Last night I was very nearly involved in an accident as I was exiting a freeway in the exit lane, minding my own business when a car just in front of me and in the lane to the left of me decides at the last moment to take the exit. I was not in her blindspot, she just didn't look and almost ran me into the guardrail. Being the peaceful sort I just gave her a honk on the horn and a flash of my brights and let her be. She did give an apologetic wave Attached is my favorite of the month:
  17. He's going back in 05 to look for his brother at the bottom of the avalanche path to prove he didn't leave him up on top.
  18. It's amazing you took the time to post this.
  19. Yep, MtnGoat could make all the libs here look like a bunch of dumbasses chasing their tails.
  20. They way I heard it Bush never even went to Iraq but instead, much like the moon landings, filmed the whole staged thing in a hangar someplace. He was helped by a number of hollywood stars and many others. And that probably isn't even his jacket! Now you know.....
  21. vegetablebelay

    Stag Ideas

    How bout the one where you glue a beard on the guys face for the evening, but what he doesn't know is that the hair glued on his face is all his friends pubes they shaved earlier.
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