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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind


  2. his foreheads even bashed up from head bangin
  3. why does the presedent need lawyers? oh an odon't think we burn em any more this works better
  4. dam fellas this is a long winded thread. my only problem with science is that its way to inconsitant with it self, given that there have been positive advances for instace through empirical means we know that if we touch fire we get burnt, if we sit in a snow bank for a while we will eventualy frez, i guess my only point is natures laws are set, but theories of evolution and the like are kinda disturbing, for instance natuarl selection on a macro level is a joke, if you going to belive in the big bang you might as well belive the world was created in 8 days because nothing then bang the universe is more unsettleing than beliveing that someone or something created the universe, due to causal relations.
  5. whirlwind

    my day

    how was urs?
  6. sure thing girlyboy whatever floats ur boat
  7. my question is that if theroies are right in science till proven wrong, why the hell do text books still teach evolution i whached a documentary and at least 70-80% or the material that was supose to be evedence for evolution (macro not micro) is wrong, missrepresentaed or just plain made up, now they haven't proved it wrong but they have dissbarred the evidence for evolution, and come up with alternative therories but teachers are not allowed to teach anything that contradicts evolution in class
  8. so in other words u like it in the rear?
  9. whirlwind

    Joke Time

    This guy walks into a bar, first thing he notices is a jar full of cash on the shelf. so he askes the barkeep what the deal was with the jar full of cash. the bartender tells him that there is a horse out back thats been very very sad and wont quit whipering, so they started a bet, you got to put a dollar in the jar then if you can make the horse happy then you get to keep the whole jar of cash. so the guy says ok i bet i can make that horse stop whipering heres a buck. then he walks outside, bout a minute later they here the horse laughing, the guy comes back in and collects the cash then leaves with out saying a word. a few weeks the guy returns to the bar and notices there is another jar of cash on the shelf, so he asked the bartender what that one was for and the bartender tells him that ever since the last time he was there the horse hasn't stoped laughing so they started another pool, and who ever could get the horse to stop luaghing would win the money. so the guy gives the bartender another dollar and goes out to the house, and sure enough about a minute later they hear the horse just sobing his head off the guy walks in and takes the cash and starts to leave when the bartender asks him how he got the horse to laugh then cry so fast. the guy replies, well first time i told the horse my dick was bigger than his, and the secound time i showed em
  10. "Bouldering, Fredom of the pebels" by distel sponsered by pusher,"if your jonesin we got your fix"
  11. studing and working bla bla bla being responsible sucks nutts
  12. or "why is this due staring at my ass so hard..i mean i know its nice but shhh"
  13. read n write bullshit on the walls at school.
  14. thats some funnies shit, and he covered his ass too, he could have walked free with the cash.
  15. whirlwind


    makes sence to me, but i dout anything to devistating will happen, shit even if it whips out half the worlds popultion there would still be 3 billion people and thats alot of people.
  16. whirlwind

    yeah baby

    i did actually, oh and thanks e-rock, btw it was a 10ft hoop fag boys
  17. whirlwind


    its too bad the us isn't more self sufecient, we could just nuke the rest of the world and then shit like this wouldn't happen... oh wait but there is that whole mad cow thing, but thats just the stupid canadians, even though they test 100x more cattle than we do
  18. the constution needs reviseing..
  19. whirlwind

    Lunch of the Day

    why thanks i think
  20. whirlwind

    Funny Pictures

    shit is that dru?
  21. shhh i'm wearing all green right now, hey ladies i'm inecent honest
  22. whirlwind

    yeah baby

    i dunked a basketball for the first time since H.S tonight and it wasn't one of those fairy, i guess that was a dunk dunks it was a hell yeah i' threw it down in ur face kinda dunk. it felt good so i had to brag a bit.
  23. whirlwind

    Funny Pictures

    distel may only be a boulderer but at least he wheres a helmet while toppin out on those highball V 12's
  24. whirlwind

    Funny Pictures

    "i told ya i was a climber mom"
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