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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. there are three of us should be there sat through mon. give me a pm if intrested. oh and looking to climb trad and maybe some sport
  2. any one up to go for a 2 day trip. i was thinkg maybe vantage, but 11worth or index would be rad if the weather clears up a bit. send me a pm if intrested wirl
  3. a better question is can any one afford to go? personly i'd love to go but i don't have the dinero
  4. Please Don't respond to this if you: 1. stink i though the smell kinda came with the title "climber", well atleast after the first day of climbing
  5. sweet. i've herd this is a good time of year but we are still looking for people to go have room for at least 2more and yeah i save ya a spot
  6. climbingjtree.com
  7. looking to go to j tree this winter break there are already 2 of us but looking for more to get the cost down a bit probly driving and leaving on the 26th that may change give me a holler if your intrested. Climber climb on wirl
  8. thebest thing to do in situations like that is to go out and climb again as soon as posible, but climb somthing that is at or under your level. this will do 1 of two things, yuo'll get your nerve back and learn from your mistakes, or you may decide to just stop climbing. i hope you do get out again anna and if i may make a recomendation, take a 2 or 3 day trip to vantage with some one who can leadwell and follow some straightforwad crack. most vantage climbs are straight up and would give you a chance to see what good placements look like, also read climing books w/pics to see what placements should look like. and ancor setups always with 3 equilized peices ( whenever posible)that way if one does pull you have back ups. so in other words stick to single pitch for a while and climb easy straigh forword stuff
  9. i told you not to give that porqupine a hand job ...
  10. did you want to go to sqamish??there are 5 of us leaving from bell tomarrow
  11. check your private msg's
  12. ...when you pawn off anything that has value (other than your gear) to pay for your next trip, -a dozen movies at a .25 cents a peice -the tv someone let you "borrow" you cause they though you needed it -the vcr that dosn't rewind (and which was also "borrowed") -various power tools and of cource that stack of books you just checked out of the library.
  13. computers being stupid i can't check em right now and i have to go to class but i will check them later this after noon probly around 3pm when i get home later wirl
  14. computers being stupid i can't check em right now and i have to go to class but i will ckeck them later this after noon probly around 3pm when i get home later w
  15. in the tree was definatly good sort stuff i wanted to do kris's crack but it was getting dark so we hiked out instead but it looked very fun. so did the samish wall
  16. careful with that last pitch though i was up there the other day climbing in "In the tree's" and when i was hiking out i was looking for the ankors that where suposed to be on top of the 200 ft crack and the bolts where striped off. looks like you could probly sling a boulder or tree if you bring extra webing, at least to belay for your sec. and alot of the bolt up there (atleast what i saw) where pretty rusty on the nuttcracker and upper tier.
  17. careful with that last pitch though i was up there the other day climbing in "In the tree's" and when i was hiking out i was looking for the ankors that where suposed to be on top of the 200 ft crack and the bolts where striped off. looks like you could probly sling a boulder or tree if you bring extra webing, at least to belay for your sec.
  18. yeah i got a rack up to #3 cam and some pasive and i don't mind belaying on 10's and sec. them i'm just breakinginto 9's myself as far as leading goes.
  19. erden my heart goes out to you and goran's family stay strong bro
  20. thanks AA i'd aperciate that oh and what wrong with being 24 i just turned 24 myself on the 21st of sept.... and happy birthday.
  21. whats up I'm new to bellingham and looking for a partner to go climb with. i've been climbing for about 2 yrs, mostly sport. this summer i got my first taste of crack and i am addicted as hell.i have pretty much a full rack up to #3 and can lead 5.8's pretty consitantly but looking to get on and lead some 9's and 10's. 9's have been hit and miss and i have yet to lead a 10 crack. but i am always up to climb fun 6's 7's and 8's
  22. well it's to late for last weekend but i live in bellingham and would love to get out and do some climbing. i fairly new to trad as well but can lead 5.8 and some 5.9's are hit and miss. also have almost a full rack up to a #3 camilot give me a e-mail if you want to hook up Quickside@hotmail.com
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