thebest thing to do in situations like that is to go out and climb again as soon as posible, but climb somthing that is at or under your level. this will do 1 of two things, yuo'll get your nerve back and learn from your mistakes, or you may decide to just stop climbing. i hope you do get out again anna and if i may make a recomendation, take a 2 or 3 day trip to vantage with some one who can leadwell and follow some straightforwad crack. most vantage climbs are straight up and would give you a chance to see what good placements look like, also read climing books w/pics to see what placements should look like. and ancor setups always with 3 equilized peices ( whenever posible)that way if one does pull you have back ups. so in other words stick to single pitch for a while and climb easy straigh forword stuff