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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    Lunch of the Day

    mama must be one happy girl today
  2. whirlwind

    Lunch of the Day

    pb&j just like the other day
  3. keeps the porsoline warm
  4. whirlwind


    what did u expect? 5 pages of praise?
  5. whirlwind


    ok i never cared that much in the first place
  6. whirlwind


    um mars is bigger than the earth dude thats why the escape vel is lower, thew surface is father away from core which is where G is the strongest
  7. whirlwind

    Top 10 Archives

    i think number 1 would actually be; "dam this shit potient, back in my time..wait what where we talking about?"
  8. whirlwind


    acording to that chart link mars escape vel is half that of earths and thats where most of the fuel expenditure is so i may not be as difficult but it would be impresive and probly be little to no room for calculation error. cbs all that math mubo jumbo is theory, anyone thats says they have a conclusion hass mearly admitted that they are done thinking about it. plus he clearly states that photons have no mass then gives the equation on how to find the mass of a photon. hes just talkin in circles read his posts again
  9. whirlwind


    didn't you just contradict your self skykilo? fuck it i give up i think i'll go get a book and just type a bunch of garbaly gook and then it'll be all good cause P=phat and thats all that matters
  10. whirlwind


    if photons don't exist at rest then of cource there would be no rest mass thats like saying the force of gravity is not a force because it does not exist when the earth stops rotating. oh and how can nothing have momentum and energy and isn't energy the transfer of electrons, and electrons have mass and also don't exist at rest
  11. whirlwind


    yes i am refering to myself, for even trying to talk phisics with a bunch of engineers
  12. whirlwind


  13. whirlwind


    and that is why gravity does not pull it back less you reatach the string or "turn gravity on"
  14. whirlwind


    cutting the string is the eqivalent to "turning off" gravity, which would allow the object at hand to leave orbit
  15. whirlwind


    a photon is measurable isn't it, ie the speed of light. how do you measure something with no mass? even if the number is extremly small it still exisits. and CF does exist or else the planets would spiral closer to, and eventualy hit the sun
  16. whirlwind


    ok dude photons have mass. what is ageing based on if not the obit of the earth around the sun, or decay and if these rates are diferent then wouldn't ageing be different thats what i was asking.
  17. whirlwind


    probly would have to travel light speed, but it would be intresting to see if ageing is relitive to the time it takes to travel around the sun, wounldn't it be posible if this was true to increase a persons life span, oh and if it 365 for us mars takes longer doesn't it? if it is 325 would it then decrease? and could decay time diifer, which would effect a lot of things
  18. whirlwind


    plus they would actually age slower than we would here on earth, hypotheticaly speaking
  19. whirlwind


    don't worry when your broke the best thing to do is get another credit card chage it till its maxed then make sure your monthly payment is less then the monthly intrest charge, its good buisness.
  20. and the climbers are supose to do what rope up for battle. besides in most films the extras get paid a daily flat wage
  21. reflection on the lake of the boat is to perfect and there is no wake behide the boat, its flat and calm
  22. posibly headin south this spring for a week or so but not sure if it will happen
  23. owch that sucks
  24. come to think of it the only thing i really worry about is some other dumb ass hittin me
  25. come to think of it the only thing i really worry about is some other dumb ass hittin me
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