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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. they miss tied a lot of ends though, atleast compaired to the book. i'd have to say minx that the book(s) where fing awsome and the movies were entertaining but no were near as good at least as story line goes so maybe read the book
  2. yeah but wouldn't it be nice if he did shut down partss of his brain,
  3. deffiantly bad ass dude
  4. for once i agree with cracked
  5. true but alot of people spend to much and end up owning money
  6. hey blouder bum go choke on a pebel will ya '
  7. i think you discover how much better it is to pay with cash or debtcard, once that mounthly bill comes around with 15+ % intrest tacked on
  8. this remindes me of bushes campiane stratagie
  9. wasn't, was just getting defencive
  10. um my ass was told by ur ass that the electric was covered and ur ass was the one with the florecent lights and who always cranked on the heat, syaing that it was cool cause we didn't have to pay for electricity, so once again don't try and blame my ass for shit you tell me that turns out different
  11. can't wait till i get the bills caught up so i can quit work and aquire new bills, but also get a shit load of climbing in
  12. oh my bad, started sat night, sunday morning though, i might be luckyer than i though
  13. actually sat night i worked that night too and though i was going to be robed next on sat or posibly last night. but i gues thats one bounus i didn't get shot this week end
  14. Mine started yesterday, woke up 4pm, study for econ bout 4hrs start work at 9:20 pm (some ass wipe called in sick ) work till 8:20 am, sleep from 9 till 11:23 pound energy drink and to 11:30 class arive 5 min late, no caculator for econ test. energy drink kicks in while trying to figure out last problem on test, turn in test relize that even though i did all the math on paper (i forgot my calculator) i still finished ahead of about 60% of the class. come here and cause i got class till 5:20 pm today can anyone top that?
  15. 578.7, hey this dude remindes me of mac
  16. this also helps thin the crowds
  17. jeans shorts and old tee shirts wit the sleves cut off is the way to go, less its cold then u got to where a hat of some sort, prerably an old ball cap that looks like shit and smells worse
  18. dam does this mea need to sell the van cut the hair, buy a suv and take shower more than once a week on a climbing trip? i don't think i can handle this, im selling my rack and taking up the surfing life, least there are still some respectable beach bums out there
  19. some rangers suk
  20. in trasks new job he is the middle man
  21. wonder what mars rock are made of? might be able to power a ship back if we can get there
  22. whirlwind

    Gong Xi Fa Chai

    a horse is a horse, of couse i'm a horse, watch out...
  23. best was 320
  24. whirlwind


    true story
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