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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    today I...

    didn't want to know bout ur sex life but thankx for sharing
  2. whirlwind

    today I...

    mybe so but im' still better lookin than ur fugly
  3. whirlwind

    today I...

    stuck an ice ax into the bottom of my foot. i was at REI (cause its next to the laundry mat) talking on my phone and decided to play with an ice ax, swang it at the bottom of my shoe( not sure why) then did it again not being satisfyed with the first swing, this time was a bit harder, and the dam thing went through my shoe and stuck in the bottom ofmy foot. with out sayin a word i finshed talkin on the phone and proceeded to buy a copy of the new addition of " freedom of the Hills" (cause now i know i'm a complete gumby, so might as well get a copy) what do u do today?
  4. isn't traping and skining beavers outlawed, atleast till the beaver has reached adulthood?
  5. dam i'm not a trad climber yet i still havn't had sex on a belay ledge. ..
  6. this dude just took a rip
  7. yeah we can fund em with the profit we make off of selling there dirt cheap goods
  8. sure but not all people reach nirvana, or the realization of this.
  9. i secound this and while where at it we sould sedrigate the content of north america and turn canada and mexico into slave states in will be responsible for all working for dirt cheap and seving there american masters with speed and efficentcy or else be forced to fight in the east.
  10. yeah the conclusion i belive was erik ww
  11. maybe "the wall" is about a wall, metaphorically speaking, and the trials and tribulations of climbing that wall? the movie is just a artistic version of the actual theme.
  12. climbers they refer to dasiy chains in several songs as well as "dizy hieghts" and " a hunger still unsatisfied" what u think?
  13. jaming crack while jaming some crack.. cool concept
  14. i need a ride down to seatac on thrus 20th or early fri 715am flight fri the 21st
  15. what about if I give up work and civalization, could i then both climb and have sex?
  16. sweet did u get front row seats, i think this is his come back tour.
  17. thats some funnny shit, i'd go with climbing for sure it's the only thing i know i can get, on a fairly consitant basis.
  18. whirlwind


    great now everyone will be aditcted to tomatos and the price will tripple.. maybe this explains my addition to pizza?
  19. fuck thats how inecent people get shot, fuckin dumb shits all over a little bit of homegrown. just fucking plain stupid. i could see if it was like cocaine or some shit but still dosn't make the gun drawn thing ok
  20. vannella ice is going to be here in bellingham on the 22nd party on
  21. suck an egg i'm not a fucking english major, oh and i write so sloppy no one can read it any way
  22. wins the award for most complete suck at stuffing wresaling shorts wit sock
  23. whirlwind

    i'm a...

    that last one is just plain wrong
  24. whirlwind

    i'm a...

    hey i did a google serch and like 10 pages came up under this spelling, but hey i can't spell, sue me
  25. whirlwind


    i poop on ur head, there fore i am
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