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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. whirlwind

    Poor Kitties

  2. whirlwind

    Poor Kitties

  3. thats some funny shit
  4. whirlwind

    Kung Fu

    and then?
  5. whirlwind

    Kung Fu

    i actually study wing sue, trust me she's a hottie
  6. whirlwind

    Kung Fu

    chicken style even wa chaaaaaa
  7. whirlwind

    Kung Fu

    lol my hung cow be more better than ur chow mein
  8. nice cept all the rich people invest in company that move to mexico and make huge profits off of slave labor type conditions
  9. that was good of u FE. i think i would do the same, booty is only good if you don't know who's it is( i.e. may have been there a couple of days, or whatever)
  10. whirlwind

    who the F...

    ok and who the f.. says climber can't get laid, i know we stink, are ussally dirty, and r known to ocasionlly wash are nuts in local restrant sinks, but come on.
  11. there is a good nut placement about 5ft off the ground on the first double crack at the collums...but nothing is fixed there, becuase no one is stupid enough to leave gear for booty you can put a small cam there too... maybe a red alien, I can't recall exactly I gotta wonder why you would want gear 5' off the ground. she's 5'5 so about 5' is a good, well u do the math
  12. how tall are u
  13. or should i say where?
  14. what do u consider a good nut placement?
  15. whirlwind

    who the F...

    changed my aviator photo, thankx
  16. i'll be there sexxie boulder boy lol, btw dennies severs and has full bar, the nicklebies place at the bottom of sehome just off the highway severs beer and i think u could pass for 21 easy as long as the sever isn't anal about checkin ID
  17. my hands arn't that small, exasperator is easy the secound pitch is like 10-15 ft of side pull it is thin but after that there is a good rest every 2 moves. where u the one i saw putting gear in every 3-or 4 ft? gilivers i though was 5.8 in the washiton climbing guide the traverse pitch isn't that bad on outer space skechy for gear maybe but the moves are fairly easy
  18. whackin it is also a good way to stay awake on long road trips, that or a road helmet
  19. pretty much
  20. what are the easyest climbs for there grade: exasparator 10c outerspace 5.9 (easy but alot of fun) gilivers crack 5.8 ...
  21. aries isn't that bad, it was my first 5.8 lead, i for get the name but the 5.8 to the rt of meatgrinder on alfebet rock was a bitch
  22. hey i though i had one till i got a letter on thursday last week, and every thing was closed down till today, plus i'm broke till the 20th
  23. was supose to go climbing this week end, thur find out i don't have a licence so i meet a girl in the gym who promply agrees to go and to drive, so i figure cool we're set. sunday morning i get off work and she bailes out like 10min before we are supose to leave, because of 40% chance of rain one day, even though the next 2 days where down to 20% so i'm pissed and i got to ditch out on a bro cause i can't drive and his truck was fucked. what do ya do?
  24. sounds good baker man. still wish i went climbing though
  25. whirlwind


    I thought whirly was kinda cute when I met him at smiff love fest why thx, ur pretty sexxie ur self oh and btw spelling is not a sign of intelligence
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