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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. i secound that its fun as hell drivin in the snow specaly when no one else is on the road, the van handles like a champ in most places, didn't even put on chains.
  2. i love this i can vote every time i get on a comp.
  3. whirlwind

    Too many E's

    i realize this post is very old but i would just like to say thank you to distel, and that his new anme shal be "smantula" which is drived from anceint greek hyroglifics and is loosly translated to mean: "one who thinks he is strong, but can only climb pebles"
  4. money dosn't mean a thing.
  5. whirlwind

    the only way..

    i can get laid.
  6. whirlwind


    oh and don't forget to post the TR pics
  7. whirlwind


    dam girl go dance naked in the street i'm sure you'll meet lost intresting people
  8. play basketball every day for 3+ hrs lift radomly ( 2-4 times a week) climb in the gym sparcly (1-2x ever couple weeks ussally when there is a couple hotties that need a good spoter )
  9. whirlwind

    finnaly done

    sweet to all crack u'll get there soon enough
  10. whirlwind

    finnaly done

    ah but there are more people that would pay for beatin other people senceless, but i'm a pasafist so i guess i'll help muffy with her spelling
  11. whirlwind

    finnaly done

    with classes for a bit.... anyone have some work for me i need to make a buck or 2
  12. "Its not that bad unless.." " i though u where going to lead it..." heard after person claims they can climb 5.11 and picks the route. -Insert bitch slapin gremlin-
  13. when talking to a prosective partner: You: how long you been climbin them: about 2 yrs, i absoululy love climbin. i can lead up to 5.12 You: where have you climbed? Them: oh mostly at stone gardens but iv'e been to vertical world a few times
  14. dude u got to send me your number then wtf
  15. I'll be in seattle this thurs nite anyone up for a or
  16. "...and i'd like you to meet our little Snaf, and this is HC his older brother, and their sister CC."..." children this is uncle Gapper"
  17. whirlwind

    Holy Shit

    its not wierd all the guys on capital hill do it
  18. whirlwind

    Holy Shit

    so figer8 i herd your coming up to be the "meat"
  19. whirlwind

    In-between Time

    i'm down to tp necro house i we could make it a pub club specal event
  20. whirlwind

    Life sucks!

    the one after A but before C
  21. what ever i got long ass hair and i'll out sprint anyone on this board, n i got a few quarters to wager on it
  22. i never though about it that way.. it makes ever conversation they had about the bev, quite stimulating.
  23. whqts ur number?
  24. maybe so but it is more effective for of birth control, think about it one man can in theroy inpregnate a girl a day for 9 months, over this peroid a woman can only have one child. but if there are a lot of women then there are going to be a lot more childern if u have 100 women and 75 men, all 100 women get pregnate that thats 100 babies rather than 75. i don't really strongly agree with this but china and india are the only countries right now with 0 or - birth rate, in which all countries are going to have to reach before to much longer
  25. always but not too down, just tried of being a poor student
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