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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. thats just wrong.. but then again
  2. crack head stfu so tele if i'm right on what ur saying, we should just become an imperial nation and start coloines though out the world in order to fill our ever increaseing demand for natuarl resouces. "takeing what is ours" this is definatly not the anwser, re think ur stratagie, this time take into account what happened to all the other "Great" empires of the world
  3. i read over then, there are a few errors, spelling and conjuntion, but the ideas are pretty clear i'm sorry for sending those two brain cells of urs into overdrive. btw go fuck yourself
  4. i think it was 40 -50% or people between ages 18 and 26 or so but i could be wrong, can't find the info now but this come right along with the prevenitive health care issue, most young people don't worry about it, and i think its mostly because its so expensive.
  5. um i wasn't refering to u
  6. as far as health care goes, if its natioanlized the employer's will be able to reduce expenditure, resulting in more jobs and cheaper products less of cource there consevatives then it'll just mean more profit, 50% of the population lack basic health, i personally would rather see tax money go to health care than funding an aready over funded military, go to that secound link, there is more than enough money out there that no one wants us to know about, roughly 3 time the defict has "disapeared" http://www.buddycom.com/entertain/veejay/vj45.html
  7. its a combnation of all the problems, the fact of the matter is that we need to stop being so wasteful, and no i don't think the gas prices will go down that was the point of the link there dipshit, and i hope they don't go down cause thats the only way to get people and buseness motivated to intergrate alternative sources of energy. oh and btw transportation costs on avg are the secound highest expence that most buisness' have, 2nd only to labor costs
  8. dude in the foreground looks like he's working on his titie homing skills
  9. coal has to be mined and in some cases input of energy quite a bit, use solar to create hydrogen, in which case u only have to prodece solar panels,( which will also stimulate the economy) less polution, and more energy which is renewable and cheap, after the initail over head costs
  10. i agree, along with hydro cars home and busness energy need to be revamped, but the most import part is starting the procees now and not waiting another couple of decades to maybe see some change
  11. here's moron Bush missing money
  12. next time u pay 2+dollars a gallon at the pump, know that it isn't going to get any better while bush is around get pissed then do something about it
  13. Copyright: Agence France Presse An Iraqi oil refinery Iraq has the world’s second largest proven oil reserves. According to oil industry experts, new exploration will probably raise Iraq’s reserves to 2-300 billion barrels of high-grade crude, extraordinarily cheap to produce, leading to a gold-rush of profits for international oil firms in a post-Saddam setting. The four giant firms located in the US and the UK have been keen to get back into Iraq, from which they were excluded with the nationalization of 1972. They face companies from France, Russia, China, Japan and elsewhere, who already have major concessions. But in a post-war military governments, imposed by Washington, the US-UK companies expect to overcome their rivals and gain the most lucrative oil deals that will be worth hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars in profits in the coming decades.
  14. no oil is not worth fighting for, tele nut if ur serious ur a fucktard as well, nothing was ever ours for the taking. the fact is we can reduce our oil consumption, but people like bush who make billons on oil, he's probly sittn in office right now laughing his ass off, and making even more money link
  15. wRitE thA Dead THE sCAPS
  16. the Fun with qUilting is luCky drunK yummY cantalOpes qUilt suBsIdes and wachT croCodiles cHange
  17. how do u bluff in online poker?
  18. myself and 2 others were camping in my van, in down town vancover canada and some dude broke the small window on the paseger door and opened it, (my dumb ass left a pack on the front seat) i herd the nose but wasn't sure what was up till the dome light came on, i said " what the fuck" and dude responed with some crazy shit then took off speed walkin. kinda dazed and confused i sat there as the realization of what happen i got pissed, of cource, and decided to leave. about 3 or 4 blocks(several turn and what not) i see the same dude walking down the street so i flip around into a parking lot and fly out of the van with no shoes and shorts and a tanktop on i ran aout 2 or 3 blocks towrd were i had last saw him but he was no were to be found. fing bastard was lucky, i'm not a violet person normally but i would have fucked him up pretty bad if i would have cought him. all said and done it cost about $100 to fix the window and i had to cut my climbing trip short
  19. whirlwind

    favorite lies

    we're just friends.. honest
  20. they have little key chain memory cards that plug into ur usb port, sizes very from like 128 to 556 i think and there about 30-60 dollars
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