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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Don't discount the Eiley-Wiley ridge. Did that last year and it rocked! Though, Easy Ridge in is easier...
  2. why shit, that'd be cheating, wouldn't it
  3. If I'm not mistaken, there is an abandoned trail that lead out Goodell drainage. However, there was a massive slide that wiped out a lot of what was there a couple years ago. Anybody know who's been out that ways?
  4. Why not publish and tell all :[]
  5. But this is truly me. I try not to smoke pot... in public.
  6. Toast

    Wa State Caucus

    Gettin' late. Gettin' about time to grab the jacket and walk down to the church. Saddle up, boys. It's time to
  7. My old roommate had this Dizzy and Max Roach disc. Fuckin'eh, I'm Jonesi'n for that on MP3 now, fucker.
  8. Makes it an ice climb... rather than just a steep snow climb
  9. It's warm right now and has been. Expect it to get cold again beginning Sunday. Linky
  10. Not UW Gym. UW Rock, silly. It's at the mouth of Montlake Cut.
  11. There's one I would actually show up for :tup: Well, it's one reason to 8D :[]
  12. They look weird as shit, but I'd hate to get sucked under with ski's that wouldn't release.
  13. Toast

    It's Snowing!

    :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance: :moondance:
  14. Y'know, two of them pictured are to be maried'ish. And one of 'em ain't Dave Schuldt.
  15. I thought this was a pretty pimp find, linky. It maps all of the telemetry stations in the area, in this case, Silica Road, i.e. Vantage. If you click on the link to the right, you'll see the data mapped out over time.
  16. They're proposing to build freeway overpasses... dumb. They could spend a fraction of the dollars and fund fixing potholes, section gaps and street sweeping for a decade for what one of those would cost. That's something they could do immediately and it would make commuting a lot more practical. My $0.02.
  17. Toast

    Into the Wild

    I read the book a long time ago, long enough that seeing the film was fresh and new. I walked out of the theater feeling really good. I like Sean Penn’s films, and I liked this one. I sort of wanted my family to see it, so they’d have half an inkling of why I cringe at the glass bubbles they live under and why I do some of the things I do that they consider reckless. The film vs. the book gives two different treatments. Krackauer is skeptical, and he does question whether McCandless was naïve and reckless. He does recognize something in himself in himself, though, and paints a very human picture much like Caravagio did in paintings. Penn pretty much glorifies the Alexander Supertramp character as confident and self assured the whole way. Word was Leonardo was considered for the role. I’m glad he didn’t, but the effect was the same. Read the book.
  18. Kaleetan Peak up the I-90 corridor. Arrowhead off Hwy 2. Maybe Three Fingers off the Mountain Loop. Lane Peak in the Tatoosh for a down south option. Anyway, a couple of ideas for ya.
  19. Kick ass Scott!
  20. Okay, slashing the price. $200 takes 'em.
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