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Everything posted by Toast

  1. I'm happy to report somebody actually found it and turned it into the park rangers in Marblemount. My faith in humanity is restored
  2. I have friends coming into town in September who want a good hike inside the park. What are a few good day hikes? Needs to be non technical and on-trail. Thanks
  3. I'm gonna piggy back on your thread... LOST Cannon point and shoot (A550?) on Dome Peak - somewhere between Itswoot Ridge and the ridge above Cub Lake. All I want is the memory card if found. Oh, and if you've found a suunto vector somewhere between access creek and big beaver trail, that's mine too. Hi Sean
  4. Where's Trask when you need him?
  5. I've had several pair of Montrail D7's and like them a lot. Unfortunately, they're out of production. You can still find them on discount sites, but it's getting hard to find them in specific sizes. They have a high rand and thin forefoot profile that makes them among the best for foot jamming in cracks. They don't edge all that well, but that's a tradeoff for overall comfort. You might check out the Garmonts. I haven't tried them, but I'm considering them myself.
  6. We considered the line you took up, but nix'd the idea for the far moraine. It maybe added an hour total but avoided that objective hazard. Nice work
  7. How far up that road are you going, all the way to Harts pass? It's fine up to Robinson Creek, maybe 10 miles up... was there maybe a month ago.
  8. Toast

    Klipsch Forte II

    You should be able to get $400 if they're in good shape, less if they're beat up. They're big ass walnut cabinets if I remember right. I lived with a pair of voice of the theater corner horns back in the day, and the things could crank Talk to the guys at Hawthorne on roosevelt
  9. Toast


    A friend mentioned Barterfair a wile back. It sounds way hippie and way fun :[]
  10. Toast

    Best IPA in the NW

    I missed out on the TG IPA at Rope Up... I have yet to have a taste
  11. Toast


    The & symbol consolidates text information in the same way as the + symbol adds numbers. The space between quotation marks adds a blank character between the separated texts. Hence, =A1&" "&A2&" "&A3...
  12. Toast

    Best IPA in the NW

    I luv Elysian beers, but the Jasmine IPA I do not. My picks are Snoqualmie's Wildcat IPA and Big Time's Scarlet Fire IPA.
  13. Toast


    Hippies are nerds with long hair. Climbers are nerds that grew up.
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