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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Both are trail hikes, not really climbs or scrambles. In the wintertime they're fine objectives to condition on, and you might even use some navigation to figure out the route if there's fresh snow. Other things of similar grade in that area: Mailbox Peak, Snow Lake, McClellan Butte, Silver Peak. Try trolling the partners section of NWHikers.net for snowshoe trips. Be careful in avalanche terrain - open slopes of 30 degrees or more or areas where a slide would deposit. Have fun
  2. Dude, what happened to the naked chicks? They used to have naked chicks. These tents are light, fragile, noisy in wind, damp with condensation. You can't have everything... good tents.
  3. I don't think the house is gonna burn down, but given a choice it's better practice to use the powerpoint. Load distribution is set to equalize thru the power point. Clipping thru the shelf could load off kilter. More relevant for autoblocking devices, the shelf will sit higher than the powerpoint. Because of that the shelf will be more useful as a redirect point to unlock a loaded device. Do a search on lowering with one of these devices for images.
  4. Cool project... sad topic Anyway, thanks for putting this together.
  5. Yep, the folks at Georgetown Brewery are awesome, and Manny's is my favorite brew. Support your local brewery
  6. By the way, on the Haute Food train, How to Cook a Wolf on the top of Queen Anne rocks. A little pricey, but it's a nice treat for a date. The wood panelling is impressive too.
  7. Those tamales are the real thing, gelatinous, wrapped in banana leaf and tasty. Close as you'll find to the tamales sold on the street in the Yucatan. Yummm.
  8. Nice TR, Great pix. For a sec there, I thought that was KKK in the background. Sorry David
  9. Folks, there will be several Mountaineers parties in Vantage 9/20 & 9/21. Lots of traffic on the easier routes. - Everett Mountaineers Self Rescue (7 students) - Everett Mountaineers Sport Climbing (9 students) - Tacoma Mountaineers sport Climbing ? (16 students) All will likely be aiming for the easier bolted routes around the Feathers, Sunshine Wall, Riverview, Green Wall. This is thread is aimed to be a heads up on heavy traffic.
  10. Sad... Ryan was a nice guy. Condolences to his friends and family.
  11. Yeah, doable in a day, but day's are getting short, and that hike out from the pass is the longest four miles on the planet.
  12. FYI I've seen a pesky bike cop clocking Northbound speeders at the Northend of the Aurora Bridge. Seems like they should be busy eating donuts or somthing.
  13. Good stuff. We did the Ruth Icy Traverse this weekend. There's some great view up there, that's fer sure.
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