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Everything posted by Buckaroo

  1. I went up there last weekend and the widest stream was like 8ft, it was dicey due to iced up rocks. But that was with not much rain the couple days before. It wouldn't be that hard to go to 6,000 and traverse, your already at 5,500 where you cross lower down. It's about 2-1/4 miles to where the lower crossing splits from the main trail.
  2. UW rock is not quite the scene it used to be but there's still a lot of locals that train there and there's always new kids/rookies starting out there.
  3. Hey Fu*king, they have these things called cars. You can drive to Classic Crack from L-Town. You don't have to walk. Outer Space has a 100ft 5.8 handcrack and it's a shorter walk from L-Town
  4. Always thought August had the best chance for sunny days in the PNW. That also holds true for the Bugaboos, and it's the same here from what I've seen. This year was an exception. The most sun was in June/July, and August had a few days of rain. a Google of ""driest month" Pacific Northwest" has some links saying Aug is the driest and some saying July is the driest.
  5. From being around pet goats I've seen they they are just naturally belligerent ornery animals. We had two of them living in a metal storage shed and one day they decided they wanted to ram the sides of the shed. In one day they trashed the sides of the shed all the way around. We had to replace it with a wood shed. These ones were probably teenagers that decided it was fun to trundle rocks. I've seen a softball sized rock come down Outer Space while we were on the route.
  6. This couch climber was on Prusik peak. then you ain't a couch climber. Unless you took your couch up there and leaned it on the crux like a ladder and climbed up it.
  7. Yeah as an old ice climb partner used to say (in a ghetto accent) "hook it up" I think the top of the Coleman would have powder snow bridges, sort of scary to climb. I remember a summit attempt at this time of year where we were zig-zagging around slots and it was scary because of the new snow up high.
  8. Trip: Mount Baker - Coleman Seracs Date: 10/24/2009 Trip Report: Don't know where all the couch climbers are the post in "partners" got no bites... but went up on the Coleman and soloed a bunch of vertical and near vertical ice, the weather was perfect and the ice in the sun was perfect plastic. A little brittle in the shade but still very good. Mostly short stuff like 20-40ft but quality. There was bigger walls but you would have to rap down into slots. Looked like some were a pitch deep. Some interesting technical moves topping out on a knife edge serac top. You get to the top and hook the top edge then up and over looking for a flat enough spot to stop and rest before downclimbing. Sometimes having to reach over the top and get an upside down stick in the opposite face and mantleing at least one of your sticks. Lots of traversing and lots of downclimbing, working different techniques than just climbing up. The weather was partly cloudy and a sunlit Baker was visible as the clouds came and went. Freezing level about 4,000ft. The parking lot was full and thinking everyone was on the Coleman, there was about 30 climbers there. But the serac area is huge so there was plenty of ice for everyone. The stream crossings weren't that bad but I dropped a ski pole into a plunge pool and lost it. Tried fishing for it with a tool but no dice and that water is cold. The road was in good condition, just a few potholes here and there. ICE JUNKY GETS A FIX YEAH!!!!!!!! (sorry no camera this time)
  9. Buckaroo

    Climbing Sucks!

    That's NOTHING, try it with one wheel [video:youtube] [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hZzYg9YlMo
  10. Nah, those are just imprisonment and rape, how about starving, burning, stabbing, and beating? Scars covering most of his body, burned with a heated aluminum baseball bat, fed once a week and water once a day He was chained, he got the key and escaped by using a trampoline to jump over the back fence. Worst parents EVER
  11. no way to cross it? I have some hip waders can do stuff about 2 ft deep. I'm up for the ice climbing on the Coleman, Sat or Sun whichever is the better weather. PM me.
  12. Looks sweet to me, just barely heavier than a BD express but with the sling you can eliminate 1 beaner which makes it lighter the pivoting hanger means you don't have to clear the ice on the final turn. Sweet, that will save time. Would have to try one to know for sure. The longer handle may mean more clearing time in close quarters.
  13. I may have already said it but not on this thread. When it comes to packs forget about the bells and whistles and extra pockets and look at the empty pack weight, that's all that really counts.
  14. good TR, can feel the wetness, have experienced the crotch douche first hand spraying off a rap device and the special effects in the vids are kewel, makes it look like it was taken with a camera phone. I say it's always better to get out no matter the conditions, but sometimes it's sort of like fun... but not.
  15. yeah, your going to have to take fri and mon off too, so you can drive there and as soon as you get there turn around and drive back so you can go to work. Plus I don't think the Titons are in condition this time of year. but it doesn't matter cuz if you only have 2 days you're not even going to get all the way there before you have to turn around and come back.
  16. Sweet TR! Man you guys were on some steep smooth slab there at the end. but I think you had the camera tilted wrong so I fixed it for you
  17. I've actually found this is pretty good training for ice climbing, you're not swinging for sticks but you are working some of the same muscle groups and the foot work is similar also.
  18. I'm not sure if it's an old quarry, it seems like just a crag about 30m high. Right by the Squak Mtn connector trailhead across from a gravel yard, about 1 mile north of the Wilderness Creek Trailhead. It's bolted but usually just top rope, there's about 4 lines side by side. It's climbed more often as a dry tool than a rock climb.
  19. Anybody wanna go? It's close by on hwy 900 between Issaquah and Renton you need regular waterfall ice gear that you don't mind getting a little dull, but it's not that bad, softer than granite. you should probably be able to climb WI4, it's got a steep step at the top. rain or shine but the forecast looks okay, probably get there 8 or 9ish.
  20. spot on, LOLZ!!!! This you knows. The years travel fast. And time after time I've done the Tell. But this ain 't one body's Tell. It's the Tell of us all. And you got to listen it and 'member. 'Cause what you hears today, you got to tell the newborn tomorrow. I's looking behind us now, into history back. I sees those of us that got the luck and started the haul for home. It lead us here and we was heartful 'cause we seen what there once was. One look, and we knewed we'd got it straight. Those what had gone before had knowing of things beyond our reckoning. . . . . .even beyond our dreaming. Time counts and keeps counting. And we knows now. . . . . .finding the trick of what's been and lost ain't no easy ride. But that's our track. We got to travel it. And there ain't nobody knows where it's gonna lead. Still and all, every night we does the Tell. . . . . .so that we 'member who we was and where we came from. But most of all we 'members the man who finded us... ...him that came the salvage. And we lights the city. Not just for him... ...but for all of them that are still out there. 'Cause we knows there'll come a night... ... when they sees the distant light... ...and they'll be coming home.
  21. Make sure to take a snow shovel and plenty of fuel in case you get stuck in a snow cave for a week.
  22. interesting thread on rockclimbing apparently Seneca has sharp edges it was the 3rd pitch on a brand new rope. new ropes don't just snap, people are guessing it was cut. The belayer said he never felt the fall come on the rope. However a guide went up the next day and didn't think there was any sharp edges that could have cut the rope in the immediate vicinity of the fall. that said no-one has mentioned edge ropes. I got my first Stratos (Edelweiss) for the Salathe in '99. Just bought another one last month, it's called the "Sharp" now. Only available in a 10.5 single or 9 double. It's got a monofilament middle layer that slips over sharp edges. It's no guarantee but better protection than a non-edge rope. Apparently though UIAA is not conducting edge tests anymore, some problem with repeatability. then someone comes on the thread and says Bluewater ropes cut easier.
  23. trundling is hella bad mountain karma
  24. Well it does have the dual carcinogen plastic water bottles and it does have the zippers that last almost a week. But I don't know if I'd like the camo, I mean isn't it bow hunting season? You could get shot or something. and it's not properly named either, to pump up sales it should be the Remington Big Dong Backpack. Those people in marketing are too timid.
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