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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. E-rock

    Paging ZimZam

    Hope you got your tickets. Too bad it's the bottom of the rotation, but I bet Hamels pitches a gem on Sunday in that ball park. He's the best pitcher in the rotation this year.
  2. E-rock

    Go Bruins

    TR pending? Remember, no pictures -> didn't happen. Proof that Drul was at the Riot.
  3. E-rock

    Go Bruins

    And 17 years since the Canucks last lost a Stanley Cup finals game 7, and people rioted in the streets of Vancouver.
  4. So... "on the spectrum" then.
  5. Are you autistic?
  6. E-rock

    Go Bruins

    That's still going on? zzzzzzzz
  7. A whole lot of dismissiveness, makes for a very repetitive read. But you keep on keepin' on, demandin' that respect you deserve, j_bot.
  8. E-rock

    In Other News...

    Yeah! Nobody's gonna tell us to turn our brains on! Fuck you, Jon!
  9. thanks for postimg this.
  10. Is this a fun thread?
  11. Your article is "dross." Alternative viewpoint linky Nationalist, dead-ender, service goon.
  12. what is it that hear? well, yes! It is deafening silence. Mwahahahahah! You are so devastating. QED
  13. My anger is not righteous enough!!!!!!
  14. another one of your made up terms? 'service goon'? Somebody's gotta combat the "pinheads and patriots" binary by adding some complexity to the name-calling. That's what passes for "substance".
  15. No wonder the angry letters to the editor have become increasingly incoherent in the local papers. All the "smart" people are over here solving the world's problems one thread at a time. Now sometimes a shotgun spray of problem solving in one thread. Thanks, j_b! Spray used to be fun.
  16. Raw milk retards.
  17. Dinner tonight was: Brussels Sprouts and fingerling potatoes parboiled in skillet and then sauteed with bacon, olive oil, shallots and garlic. Jamaican Jerk chicken, just bought the Wegman's pre-marinated stuff, cooked in a skillet, sliced it, and served it on flour tortillas with home-made guac. Washed it all down with a homebrewed IPA.
  18. There's a farmer's market parked right in the middle of mine. we'll need a larger sample to reflect an average state of affair. So the same problems that plague inner city blacks due to lack of access in Detroit somehow trickle down to Buffalo? Is everything wrong in the country a populational statistic that blanket policy decisions can fix. Or could it be that the same cycles of violence, low self-esteem, poor family planning, and parental absenteeism have a greater effect on the lifestyles of inner city blacks than price of Taco Bell?
  19. where is your intellectual honesty? So open up a fruit stand in White Center and STFU already. white center is probably fine (at least the old downtown taken over by recent Asian immigrants), but the issue is you have no fucking idea what the inner city of your own country looks like There's a farmer's market parked right in the middle of mine. And fat poor people all around it. But they actually have bigger problems than what's for dinner.
  20. So, like, what's the official PR on all this, so that I can just blindly accept it and move on.
  21. Of course Kimmo knows all about them.
  22. There are lots of reasons to dislike Lance the rider from the perspective a fan watching a spectator sport, and many of his contemporaries fit the same description of being hard-working, driven cheaters. So I don't buy it that Lance is above contempt merely because his accomplishments were great. Jan Ulrich was a all-around nice guy, and deserved admiration a lot more than Lance in my opinion. As a fan of the sport, for fun, just like other sports, you pick and chose your heroes. Lance is derided by many cycling fans because he was universally applauded by most Americans without any nuanced appreciation for the sport. Americans who loved him for purely patriotic reasons (we DOMINATED those fucking frogs - Yeah!). If Andy Schleck were to chase down a second tier rider in a breakaway just to ruin his day because that rider had the audacity to speak out against doping, aficionados of the sport would hate Andy. If Sastre faked a bad day at the bottom of Ventoux, then chased down the solo breakaway leader just to "gift" him the win, we wouldn't think he was a very nice guy either. If Frank Schleck tried to bring back his team leader during one of the most decisive attacks of the TdF, because he felt like HE deserved it more, we'd wonder why Frank was still riding. Lance has done all of these things at one time or another. Sure Lance worked hard, sure he used dominant tactics and a strong team to win the tour 7 times, sure he employed similar "enhancements" as his main GC rivals, sure he was just a little bit better each time. But he was also a fucking dick on the bike. He sucked then, and he sucks now for that reason. As a completely separate issue, if he goes down, it will be because he used federal funds to institute organized doping. It's pretty easy as a FAN of the sport to find that morbidly satisfying for the reasons discussed above, the same way we find it morbidly satisfying that Barry Bonds was indicted.
  23. Impressive how many of them are recent decents. great site.
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