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Everything posted by iain

  2. Wound up at R.B. w/ Mr. MtnHigh on Sunday. Fun was had by all. Thanks for the offer sk, hope it was good down in the gorge. Probably got a view of the fires up north. [ 07-14-2002, 10:49 PM: Message edited by: iain ]
  3. South Sister via Green Lakes. My dad dragged me in there many years ago and I was totally hooked. I couldn't stop staring at the mountain on the drive away from the TH down Cascade Lakes Highway. Green Lakes is still a special place for me because of it. Nice topic. -Iain
  4. At the risk of being caught here on a weekend... Good spot I found down on Portland's waterfront...maybe you could check in with this gal:
  5. that would be punctuation, not pronunciation.
  6. if only that were still possible at the fair. some of my best memories are the parts I don't remember. all I _do_ remember are brownies and milk in the morning, then nothing else but bongos, silver people, and naked chicks
  7. ah the fair, how sad. I have some great memories of the fair but it hurts me to go there anymore. it's only a shell of it's former self.
  8. Free-air freezing's up around 15k! So I'll be tooling around Rocky Butte this weekend in the shade, like a horsecock-less snafflehound. Anyone who wants to come hang out w/ this gaper in the poison oak is welcome. I drive a green toyota truck w/ camper if you head out there. Or drop me a line. Could be coaxed to Smith, but it's forecast over 100° in Redmond. And I am so suck on sport rock. And believe it or not, b-rock, I'll actually be there! -Iain
  9. iain

    Internet police

    right on bro'. - Holden MaTool
  10. iain

    Down jacket for sale!

    quote: Originally posted by Greg W: Iaian, you forgot the "some assembly required" sticker. I'd leave that to the snafflehounds. They're good for that kind of thing. SK: well I'm modeling it there, and I'm about 6', so it's about a men's L. Dude, it's good over 8000m.
  11. barely used.
  12. Well than you have to mention the classic combo: Stand and Deliver. Bend over and Receive.
  13. iain


    trask spotted with a couple of his cronies.
  14. Harder than your Husband
  15. It has been cooking here for awhile now. My guess is that it's not a big concern. YMMV. Could be some good-sized cracks opening on the upper part now. I was considering climbing Sunshine this weekend but it's looking awfully hot. (free air freezing 14K' )
  16. please, please don't post any "proof". No photos of long dongs and peckers needed, trad lads.
  17. iain

    Mt Jeff TR

    MtnHigh, thanks for the climb. One of the best this year.
  18. Looks like tex needs a puppy cam similar to the smut-o-vision that Timmy cooked up over at the dark side of the cone.
  19. avoid bad weather, reporters, and helicopters
  20. First post: quote: I have been amussed by the likes of Dwayne, PP, CrazyPolishBob, Dennis, Dru, Cavey, et al.Second post: quote: Well, I figured this was the sort of juvenial response I would get. Just like middle schools. [ 07-08-2002, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: iain ]
  21. horsecock is a device used by climbers of varying abilities and interests who have access to the internet. It is most often leveraged as a means of prolonging a topic of conversation well beyond the topic's usefulness and/or to shamelessly divert attention from what could be a useful climbing-related topic. Sometimes the conversation returns to the original subject, other times it drifts into obscure cougar, tooth, and scott'brand references. It makes topics on cc.com much like climbing. Either the route goes and you reach the summit (you find the useful climbing info on the site) or you suffer defeat you and you go home empty-handed (you are treated to cheastbeating, underwater cragging, and the occasional jpeg of feces).
  22. Dru: Just like George Dubya, I don't like your fuzzy math. Greg: The germans have over 100 different words for horsecock, just like the eskimos do with snow. They practically invented it.
  23. Someday we should get together and do the Burnside Bridge to Burnside Bridge Hood climb.
  24. quote: Originally posted by Dru: i think the fires on the hindenberg statrted when two of the crew were trying to toke up in the can and the roach dropped on the floor....they shoulda waited until muir hut... stupid germans
  25. quote: Originally posted by texplorer: Just a little fender bender could set off a hindenburgesqe exposion. Not only would you be cleaning hte environment but you would be keeping road ragers at a distance. I think the fires on the hindenburg were attributed to the material in the casing, rather than the hydrogen in the balloon.
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