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Everything posted by iain

  1. Menagerie was closed unless you want to climb rooster rock and the surrounding pinnacles, last time I was there in June. That may have changed now.
  2. iain


    not nearly as difficult a climb but: Jeff Park Glacier: 1) partner tries "short-cut" end up rappelling on approach. take way too long. left sleeping bag at car to save weight, temp drops to 20F at night. lose too much energy shivering, no sleep. 2) weather seems...okay, feel good. get up to take leak, but have to push new snow off bivy sack at 2am. run cowering down the mountain in a whiteout. 3) try in late Sept. partner has car trouble, try for a TH to TH non-stop deal to make up for time. Get to saddle, lightning rolls in. run cowering down the russell glacier and bushwack to PCT. 4) finally finish the route, seemed too easy for all the crap I went through before.
  3. damn flood control has my number! i can barely get spray in edgewise.
  4. but I am sick of training in the dojo.
  5. I guess so
  6. no shit and my beanie fell off on the dyno. had to grab my backup out of my pranas. no point in sending unless sending in style. pickets: okay, but stick clipping is completely unacceptable tex.
  7. trask is well-known for keeping the talk on-topic. chocolate "outrage" is the best flavor of gu but I still prefer a good chunk of horsecock in my mouth.
  8. they all taste equally awful. quit screwing around and get some h.c. immediately. timmy your new titles for number of posts is leading to a tremendous amount of spray. so juvenile but so addictive.
  9. raghead? now you're insulting one of my best friends from school, one of the most calm, caring and intelligent people I've known. the situation is hopeless when it comes down to crap like that.
  10. iain

    i hate minivans

    quote: Originally posted by Greg W: The only SUV's that make me laugh are the Lexus and Range Rovers with all the brush and light guards on them. You forgot the lightbar rack. How else do you skin your big game? By Zipka? What a pansy.
  11. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: As a backup to my satellite phone, I am carrying 3 carrier pigeons, a St. Bernard, white phosphorus and smoke flares. You bring a mutt to my favorite alpine crag and it screws with my onsight of glacier peak I'll throw rocks hard and fast at the thing.
  12. iain

    i hate minivans

    i have heard from a good source that twight himself has a dodge caravan complete with playstation 2 and wood paneling.
  13. iain

    i hate minivans

    go buy some fresh lettuce and chardonnay for the sushi tonight and get me a starbucks latte while parked in the compact spot jackass. isn't oprah on yet? wait let me ring up my fellow power walkers to find out, while I try to merge onto I-5
  14. quote: Originally posted by gapertimmy: quote:Originally posted by iain: damn call me Dr. Doublepost. must be usin IE guilty.
  15. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: we'll have plenty of horsecock, though. dude, you're set for a bivy at the hillary step. I've already reserved all of fort lewis for my climb, all chinooks will be working for me, chief.
  16. iain

    i hate minivans

    This beast reaches it's pinnacle of evolution in the Range Rover driver soccer mom. Minivan matriarch w/ sparkling-clean rhino bar and V8 4WD power! Is there some pre-req. for wearing sunglasses, blouse and sun hat, accessorized w/ cell phone?
  17. I'm going to swath myself in todd-tex and wear a bandolier of cellphones (kindof like chewbacca's thing he wears)
  18. iain


    That's about as good as strickland talking about on-sighting the Reid Headwall on Hood. damn I had to grab the bolt on that second pitch of JParkG, gotta stop hangdogging
  19. And how else would you recommend we smoke 'em out and git 'em in the sunlight were they will shrivel in the infinite light of justice? maybe you need a trip to camp x-ray in gitmo or whatever it's called. we'll call it operation enduring sweeping infinite turban-busting freedom.
  20. damn call me Dr. Doublepost.
  21. putting those gapers in charge is a guarantee for groundfalls. it would crash before it showed how to thread the grigri and swipe your credit card number to boot.
  22. putting those gapers in charge is a guarantee for groundfalls. it would crash before it showed how to thread the grigri and swipe your credit card number to boot.
  23. Hey at least she didn't have to call in the choppers.
  24. no kidding that chapter scared the crap out of me.
  25. sorry, didn't mean to claim you started that thread. dunno who did. just remembered you had a few posts on it. cheers, -Iain
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