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Everything posted by Greg_W
slothrop, your link allows me to post messages under your sign-in. You might want to change this.
cut and paste, or give me your password and id.
I'm available to hike/climb up there next Sunday if someone's got a digital camera.
Better yet, scout deer for S'ed and I.
That fucking sucks ass. Bring it up on Subaru.com, man
I'll bring a jug of salsa, Ken.
You have NO basis in fact in this argument. You can say it, but that does not make it true. Sounds like somebody's getting scared to me.
That's a pretty fucking trite stance to take when it's pretty obvious that ire has been raised on both sides. This whole thing is bullshit. Tame, tame, tame compared to latter day standards. I thought the discussions were going great; there's always a little spray in bolting discussions, with the mod dropping bombs taking the high ground. Live with it or fuck off; that's what it comes down to. It's jonny's sandbox and he can take his football and go home whenever he wants, plain and simple. No judgement, that's just the way it is. In the end, when it's all fucked up and jon loses advertisers and has to shut down, someone will hijack another site just to blame jon for letting his site get shut down. Poor guy. I'm sure he'll end up slumped over his computer in a lime green sweatsuit from Valu Village completely sloshed from drinking too much Bacardi and lime.
In context, Chuck, the talk of bolt-chopping was on illegal bolts placed with a power drill in the Wilderness. I'm for it.
I have WC nuts and ABC Huevos. I love my Huevos; they seem to place and clean a lot smoother. The smaller sizes seem to go places that I go. I love 'em.
I'm saying he was fairly well moderated, on his own. It IS apparent that he ruffled some feathers of some INDIVIDUALS who are moderators and THAT is why he was banned. It's happened before and it will happen again. Those with "power" will abuse it to meet their personal gain/agenda. It appears that this has happened yet again. And, yes, it does seem to happen with the more "liberal" individuals on this site, who happen to be moderators, as well. I have been banned, minx, on several occasions, and you know it. And you know the circumstances. I'm sure this could be talked in circles; which I'm sure it will. Greg_W
Fuck you, Schuldt. You suckass.
Double E, you're full of shit. Gotterdamerung hasn't threatened anyone lately. Since he's been back in his current form, he's been a pretty good contributor. I have appreciated his candor and insight on the situation in Iraq. I think he adds something to the discussion here that is necessary. Unfortunately, I think that both he and Caveman were victims of a hair-trigger and getting too close to someone's personal agenda. So much for tolerance of the opposing view by the Left.
Hey, Givler's is always worth the walk; it was my first multi-pitch. Word up, Squid. I'll be there Friday night with a Guiness in hand and dog at my side.
That didn't take long...hahaha
Mossberg riot shotgun. Nice little unit.
Kangaroo & Kiwi...I can bring my dog.
yeah, IM Hannah, or something.
Jon... i totally agree with you... but for minx to say that she has some inside shit... well she better spill it... because that is B.S. You are well within your rights to shit-can anyone... but when minx says she has this inside info... and can't tell us what it is... that is pretty shitty defamation by implication. I disagree, Scott. She is under no obligation to share her shit with you. Period. Suck it up or leave. I think that banning Lambone was a mercy-killing (he was trying to get banned, by his own admission). Merv was just a fuck-nut. Fern's bullshit about banning Cavey is just that: bullshit. What a fucking joke. I read all of Caveman's posts in that thread, and he was being very civil. The fact that he stepped on a few toes regarding wilderness bolting (which happens) and someone's buddy/gear hookup is no reason to be banned. But, that's how it goes around here: you can get banned (without warning) for simply mentioning someone's girlfriend (it happens). Why Gotterdamerung got banned, I'll never know. He was nice and civil but, again, he slighted some moderator's buddy. Oops, bad boys...tsk, tsk. Greg_W
Hey, all. I'm looking for a partner for Saturday or Sunday. Really just looking to cruise up something laid back. Haven't been up Givler's in a while. I've got rack, rope, etc. PM me if you're interested. Greg_W
I meant that to be for bunglehead, myself, and those like us. I've no need for the plural women thing.
Here's to better times and hotter women! I've got both.
"What's happening to my special purpose???"
Wow, you got the house? Lucky bastard. My ex (#1, for clarification) stopped paying the mortgage about 3 months before the divorce was final after her dicknose lawyer explained that it was a backdoor way to get more money from the house before the sale. Bastard Took me a long time to get over that one.