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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. Kerry wants to cut all these taxes and shit, but he wants to subsidize all this healthcare shit. Where's that money coming from? He's cutting taxes, but rolling back Bush's tax cut? How's that working? I heard this morning that the US economy has seen 11 quarters of growth and the unemployment rate is the same as it was in '96, when the Clinton folks said the economy was booming (from an economist at the Heritage Foundation). I'm a middle-class American and I haven't lost $1500, nor are my healthcare costs going up. I think he's using some funny math on his stats. All his big pie-in-the-sky plans are nice, but when he goes to Congress it'll be a different tune.
  2. Greg_W

    Free Advice

    FINALLY!!! Sheeit, get the fuck out of here, already. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Thanks
  3. Greg_W

    Free Advice

    We've met, assclown. And barstools don't count as climbs.
  4. No, dude, it's just that our opinions are divergent and it's useless to waste our precious energy beating each other over the head. Anyway, Sims's proposal is pointless as he lost to that idiot Gregoire (how he did that I'll never know).
  5. Greg_W

    Free Advice

    No, Merv, that's because you are a loud-mouth fucking dick who doesn't climb anymore and still has to feel that he's in touch with the climbing community. It's not the content of your message, it's how you communicate it. Besides, can you actually hump your fat ass up to Rap Wall?
  6. It's not crap, it's your opinion; I have mine. Yippeee!! We don't agree and that's okay. Carry on.
  7. Post your plan to do this in the "Events Forum" please. I'd pay money to watch this gaperness.
  8. Greg_W

    Free Advice

    Coke is a "gateway drug", I'm calling Nancy Reagan.
  9. Will, are you saying that an ascent without the new Trangos would be unrecognized as an official "light-boot ascent"?
  10. Greg_W

    Free Advice

    It's early for Christmas, Matt, but I'd like to extend a warm, steaming mug of SHUT THE FUCK UP to you. Just fucking shut up, you whiny fucking bitch. Holy Fuck!!! You sound like my first wife at that time of the month, I swear. Tuck the string back in and go on with your life, bitch.
  11. greg that's crap and you know it. plain and simple crap. time eyman knows that many voters doesn't have the foresight to realize the long term implications of that inititative. there shooting for short term wallet relief. it's one thing to discuss government waste and fiscal responsibility. it's another to take away a significant portion of the budget and then expect them to make it work. It's not crap, it's a fact: each individual that voted for those initiatives CHOSE to do so. That is how it works in our government - take the good with the bad (however you see it). I give those who choose to vote a little more credit than you, but that's cool. (I won't piss you off until I get to sample the new ride ) I think those two are related. People saw the waste and bullshit surrounding the Transportation budget and chose to act on it. In my view it acheived the goal of checking what the Legislature was doing and made them look at smarter decisions to achieve transportation goals. Greg_W
  12. Minx, people chose to vote for those initiatives. Don't blame Eyman. Sure, he brought it up, but in the end it was voter choice. I would say that if the band of idiots down in Olympia was more fiscally responsible, we wouldn't be discussing an income tax.
  13. Greg_W

    Free Advice

    Lambone, I'm not going to blow sunshine up your ass like these other guys. I've just always thought you were an asshole. My analysis was confirmed after your little tantrum directed at chelle on another thread. Greg_W
  14. JosephH = MtnGoat????
  15. Greg_W


    They change your meds again, j_b?
  16. Greg_W


    "Old Conservatism" is actually "classical Liberalism". Small-government, individualists were the radicals and "liberals" when they proposed such ideas in the face of the monarchistic past. I agree on the Neo-Con thing. They're spending like Ted Kennedy on a bender. Pretty soon we'll all be like Mary Jo, at the bottom of the lake.
  17. A sales tax is a use tax, plain and simple. An income tax is subjective and arbitrary. It is your opinion that people who make more should pay more, not a universal economic truth. Sims rammed Brightwater down the throats of the people of Bothell. Sims is holding onto Lightrail despite all the opinion against it and the lack of practicality/benefit. He's in love with money...other people's money. And he wants to spend as much of it as he can get his hands on. King County wasn't necessarily running like a well-oiled machine on his watch, if I recall. Weren't they shutting down parks and shit?
  18. A sales tax is the only fair tax - it's based on consumption, or involvement in the marketplace. The B&O could be adjusted to be more fair, or simply abolished. Ron Sims is scary.
  19. Greg_W


    i do, not money (can't give what i don't have) but i make pb&j's and give em to the homeless folks on the corners in town. and i've taught whole piles of people how to climb but really our gov't is way bigger now than in the clinton years, explain that. EXACTLY!! bDubya, this is just what I'm talking about: Individual choice. I try and help out homeless people if I have food in my truck, but forced charity isn't charity; it's extortion and redistribution. I don't like what GWB has done to the government over the past four years; I blame Congress more than GWB. I don't think Kerry will reverse that trend, though. All the promises he's making need budgets that have to come from somewhere (or should I say "someone").
  20. I think the general message is: "Die tree-hugger scum!!!" Bwahahahahaha!!!!
  21. Greg_W


    I'll hold on to my idealism, thank you. You keep your warped sense that you must have a large-scale governmental father-figure to take care of you. Personally, I want the government's hands off of my fucking money. Why should my taxes go to support some art fag who can't work a real fucking job because it gets in the way of his creativity? And don't get me started on government schools. What the fuck is the Federal Government doing for education other than skimming off the top and doling out to states? Bull-shit! Why is it OUR countries job to hand out money? If we're going to be altruistic (involuntary shudder), why not start at home?
  22. Greg_W


    Many of the things I hear people bitching about (healthcare for everyone, handouts from the government, etc.) aren't a part of the original American governmental experiment. The original idea was to limit government, allow increased individual responsibility and freedom, etc. If you want a socialized government, seek one out; there are plenty of them around. Point your headlights North.
  23. Greg_W


    Well put. It seems if we can re-elect this idiot rather than jailing him, we are a country of shallow materialists who cannot look beyond our own car and mortgage payments. It would be a sad statement of our nation indeed. America? Man, you are out of touch. I don't like either of these shmoes, but give me a break. There is a large portion of America who love this country and align themselves more with conservatism than the liberals.
  24. Greg_W

    My Deal...

    Clearly Mike's working through the 12 steps of Climbers Anonymous... he's making amends to those who've been hurt by his climbing. Seriously, though -- keep the aggro TR's coming, and keep pulling on gear whenever you can. Only three steps to go! Way to go, Michael.
  25. Greg_W

    My Deal...

    Automatically Generated Foreigner-hating Rejoinder: Fuck you, you funny-talking, sheep fucking, skirt wearing, Jock bastard. Go back to whatever thatch-roofed cowshed you crawled from and leave America to Americans. Post edited by Greg_W to properly offend the correct ethnic group
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