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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. Greg_W

    Gun question

    Quite the opposite, actually. Have a nice day.
  2. Sweet, dude. I've been wanting to investigate Spanish climbing. My parents live in Banjoles, North of Girona. Nice going. Greg_W
  3. Greg_W

    Gun question

    Fuck all you gun-haters!!! Gargle my butt gravy, Sarah Brady!!!! Burn in Hell Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Diane Feinstein (CCP Holder), Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, the entire staff at the Brady Center Against Handgun Violence, Americans for Gun Safety (gun-haters), George Soros, the U.N., and any other gunhating group I forgot. I am the NRA, motherfuckers!!! Phew, okay. I'm alright now. Resume scheduled programming. Greg_W
  4. Greg_W

    My Deal...

    Haha, Layton. You're like the smack-talking little brother I never had...in a good way. Keep it up, dude. You're shit's alright.
  5. Greg_W

    Burn Out or Rust?

    I heard on Friday that it took about 8 seconds for individuals who did jump out of the upper floors of the WTC to hit. That's not fast enough, and they were moving all the way down - they saw it coming.
  6. Greg_W

    Gun question

    You mean not all law enforcement agencies want the ban to continue. Correct.
  7. Greg_W

    Gun question

    YES! I chuckled when I saw an armored truck guard with a revolver on his hip the other day; go semi-, baby!!!
  8. Uh, you'll know. Don't worry. Study the above picture; Schuldt will be cowered near the fire trying to warm his skinny cyclist ass.
  9. We're dog-friendly. If it's the group site, nobody else will be around, anyway.
  10. I pre-place all my gear....right before I clip it.
  11. Greg_W

    Gun question

    Jim - You are incorrect in one thing: ALL law enforcement agencies DO NOT want the ban to continue. Yes, there are some law enforcement groups who are behind it, but purporting that 'All' are behind it is simply not true. You are correct in your second point, in the current language of the law. My point was on the expansion desired by Feinstein, Schumer, et al. Greg_W
  12. Greg_W

    Gun question

    True, rbw, but the restrictions on automatic weapons were pretty damn stringent. I think you have to have an FFL and then some other stuff; not sure.
  13. Greg_W

    Gun question

  14. Greg_W

    Gun question

    Gowans, Aside from hi-cap magazines, we already can own the same firepower as cops. You can acquire pre-ban hi-cap mags on-line or other places, anyway. So, this is really a false argument. The Assault Weapons Ban is a subjective, feel-good law, pertaining to "appearance" and magazine capacity, and action. It bans several kinds of SEMI-auto rifles and shotguns that are common hunting models. The expansion that Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer tried to tack on went on to ban all semi-automatic shotguns. Why would they do this if they swore they weren't trying to ban guns for "sporting purposes"? I use a semi-auto 12-gauge; it's personal preference. This law has done nothing. AUTOMATIC weapons (aka, machine guns) were banned in the 20's or 30's. Remember, semi-automatic still means that you have to pull the trigger each time you want to fire a round. Greg P.S. This is a bad forum to ask about opinions on guns or the necessity of specific types. Most on this site don't know what your talking about and/or are blinded to cogent argument on the subject.
  15. It doesn't count when you're practically throwing at them...
  16. Sorry Greg, but the U.S. has higher violent crime than most other "civilized" nations. Not true, actually. Based on Scotland Yard numbers, violent crime is increasing at a great rate and has surpassed that of the U.S. As has that of Australia. Home invasions are WAY up in Britain.
  17. Matt, if this were the case, he would not have received the Honorable Discharge that he did. Now, I know, some will call "Daddy Privilege" here but, I don't think that GHWB was in such a powerful position, in a broad-based way, as to influence National Guard Colonels (I think he was DCI at the time). From the reports I've heard of the state of the National Guard at the time, things were pretty lax. Not making excuses, mind you, just adding some perspective. I heard some interesting background on moveon.org last night. They, more than the Swifties, have direct ties to their national party, the DNC. George Soros is a huge contributor to both moveon.org AND the DNC, special counsel to the DNC is also that of moveon.org, major players at moveon.org are MAJOR (read: >$100,000) contributors to the DNC, etc, etc. The head of the Swifties merely gave his $2,000 to the RNC and went home. So, again, I wonder how Campaign Finance Reform has worked if all the major players are getting around the law by creating 527s and actually skirting ANY limits imposed by the FEC and CFR.
  18. Bummer dude. This is the first theft I have heard about up in Squamish this summer. Is the crime down up there versus last year? If so, it's a good thing.
  19. Maybe if Richard Daley lightened up on suppressing an individual's right to carry a concealed weapon, crime would go down. Ditto in Britain; you can't even carry a pocket knife there. "...from my cold dead hands...", bitches!!
  20. Pull Trigger
  21. As long as they are cleaned out really well. You don't want to adversely impact the "body" of the liquor.
  22. I have a dedicated Maker's Mark nalgene. When I wash it out it doesn't smell too bad.
  23. Makarov makes a nice, solid pistol. What are you talking about? I like mine.
  24. I like this idea.
  25. Oh, chill out. I didn't say it was the best option, just a humane one. Not one I would choose. You're just pissed 'cause that's three fewer animals you can test pecker-hardeners on.
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