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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. Your shameless self-promotion is getting a little tiring. Do your proverbial 60 meters and shut up.
  2. Sorry, no lights is a deal-breaker. Or at least worth a significant discount. A big-log picker-upper is as useful as fuzzy dice if there's no big logs around during the ride.
  3. Are there lights on top?
  4. Neutrinos are too small for my hands. I bought some great Mammut wiregates at ProMountainSports; I like them and they are a great price.
  5. Greg_W

    Stupid Car Names

  6. So, I'm new and looking for bindings for a pair of Fischer Tourlite skis. I really like the Dynafit system, but there are several models to choose from (not to mention colors). As far as usage goes, it'll mostly be backcountry but I might hit the groomed shit a bit, as well. Dynafit has a "Tourlite" binding, but is it light and less burly? I could use some help. Thanks. Greg_W
  7. Poignant misspelling...
  8. Does rope actually turn? Come on. I was hoping for some technical assistance on my usage of Victoria's Secret wear in my post. Muffy not to be found...
  9. Pandora User 09/16/04 03:55 PM Replying/Deleting a private message NOLSe User lurker 09/16/04 03:55 PM Replying/Deleting a private message Hmmm...you can almost hear the electrons crackling...
  10. cut and pasted off msn man. don't know what to tell ya. mabe she is hiding few 'wild' years from ya man. I dunno. Gee, what else has she lied to you about NOLSe? Doesn't it make you wonder? You deserve to be with a chic who don't lie to ya, man. I'm just looking out for you, man. Dump her, man. You're learning life lessons, today. Good for you.
  11. See what happens when you try and play two bros off each other? You chics don't get it.
  12. Is calling girls at home against some "guy code" I haven't heard about? Bros before Hos, boys. Don't forget it. Sounds like Little Miss 19 is playing both of you.
  13. No sweat, dude; I don't blame you. I'd be a tad worried if I was hooking up with a "19 year old" attention whore myself. Don't stand for that shit, man; don't let her twist you up. You don't need that aggravation.
  14. Let's all analyze the fact that NOLSe chose to expand this minor little tidbit of his own accord. My guess is that he DOES have issues around this, but may be too pussified to speak up for fear of rejection. This may stem from his mother rejecting his constant requests for a new bike as a youngster. Discuss.
  15. Maybe everyone's got their Body by Victoria V-string panties in a wad over next to nothing. Fucking calm down girls.
  16. Some houses have shutoffs just inside the house, along with the meter shutoff, but it's the option of the builder or plumber.
  17. Greg_W

    What's for lunch

    Ken holds intellectual property rights on the marinade, ask him.
  18. Greg_W

    What's for lunch

    Leftover elk chili from last night. Fuckin' awesome!!! BTW, ken4ord, I finally made that marinade you PM'd me - it fucking rocked!!!
  19. GregQ- Those statistics show the total amount of money spent on health care in the economy as a whole. That includes government & private sector expenses. Whether it's paid by the state or private sector medical expenses are a drag on growth. As for stepped reimbursement - that's better than medicare, medicare is a flat rate based on the county classification. This may or may not bolster my argument regarding the State setting reimbursement amounts. If they set them low, then they spend less. See? I don't know this is the case, I'm just throwing out ideas.
  20. Jim; Access to healthcare does not change the mindset to live in a more healthy manner. It's choice and lifestyle that drives health (with the absence of genetic issues). Hmm...consolidate to one with no competitors? What drives the incentive to provide better care than the other guy? Competition is what creates inovation, improvement, and better services. I would say that not having national healthcare and level of health are not related. Besides, without national healthcare, we have created an environment of innovation in internal medicine, sleep medicine, cardiology, etc.
  21. I thought this was a thread about a BBW shooting club. My bad.
  22. Jim; America also has a massive number of fat, unhealthy people; why this is, I don't know. From my experiences in Germany and Austria, they have a healthy mindset about living (i.e., they walk, ride bikes, hike, etc.). How do these statistics account for the massive subsidization by these foreign countries? Isn't this data also skewed by the fact that these governments set the fees that they will reimburse physicians for seeing patients? For example, in Canada doctors are paid a certain amount for a certain quantity of patients each day. Above this quantity, they are paid less; so, it's a stepped reimbursement schedule. Could it be that these countries with more nurses and less doctors rely on nurses and nursing assistants to carry out work that the U.S. relegates to physicians? A 26% increase in 6 years is about 4.3% per year. I don't know what inflation was for those years, but I usually put it around 3.5%, on average. So, it rose slightly faster than inflation, but there could be reasons for that. Greg_W
  23. Yes, I do keep my provider visits down. How do I do this? By CHOOSING to live a healthy life. Think about how many people have to visit doctors due to lifestyle choices; I'm talking about daily lifestyle choices. I work for an employer who covers my premiums. How did I achieve this? By making my own luck, plain and simple. I've worked hard at creating a career and have made many connections in my given industry. This isn't rocket science, and I'm not chestbeating; it's simple common sense: make yourself attractive to employers for your own betterment. Since you brought up the "collective", I'll comment on collectivism. It's not my job to pay for your health insurance, and I am deeply offended by people who think that it is. Why is it the role of Federal Government to be a HEALTHCARE PROVIDER? Just because you chose to get knocked up at 16 or not study in school or whatever other reason makes you unemployable or under-employable, doesn't mean you can sponge off of my labor.
  24. Now, Johnny's dead
  25. You make your own luck, Jim.
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