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Everything posted by Greg_W

  1. Is there a drytooling area?
  2. Here's partisanship: Senator Kerry attacking the President for invading Iraq, yet he voted for the measure in Congress to go in; in fact, that measure passed with massive bi-partisan support. Kerry has partisanized the issue. Besides, Off, no one has used 'fuckhead' lately.
  3. harpell - you're not a fuckhead liberal, quit clogging my thread.
  4. Please explain to me why diplomacy and sensitivity didn't deliver the 600 victims of the kidnapping/terrorist attack in Russia. Isn't that the key? Talk to them until more 6 year old children collapse from lack of food and water and bleed to death. Stellar plan.
  5. In the short-term, I think we should eradicate as many of these soulless fuckers that we can find. In the long-term? No, that won't work. I'm no strategist, for sure. I'll quote one piece of advice and one observation: The advice: My father told me not to keep running from a bully who bugged me every day. Stand up for yourself, he said, the kid will back down. It worked. The observation: To quote Howard Stern, "See what happened to the Japanese? We nuked their ass and now they bow to us all the time." Greg_W
  6. That was my point, Scott, but thanks for driving it home. But it does show that France's history of avoidance hasn't gotten them much but occupation and destruction of their lands. Once a world power, they are reduced to a foppish joke. No wonder why they're so rude.
  7. lake Christine is nice.
  8. Mark, Since you're fairly new, I'll tell you that when I sign my name to a post I've put thought into it. I don't spew nonsense when in a debate; these are my opinions. What do you do with an enemy, Mark? Ignore him? Be more sensitive? Try and understand his plight? We are talking about an enemy who has sworn to do his best to destroy OUR way of life and institute HIS way of life. Sure, naysayers go on saying, "oh, that won't happen, blah, blah, blah". However, our enemy seems pretty determined to give it the old college try. So, what should we do? Sit by and wait until he figures out that it's useless? Muslims have been fighting for CENTURIES to establish their way of life and they haven't really showed any signs of retiring to suburban Damascus to relax. The analyses that I've read of these people is that they respect strength and violence, not diplomacy and sensitivity; they are tribal. When the Israelis were doing their darnedest to keep a toehold on their newly formed country, they didn't fall back on diplomacy and niceness. They understood that the only thing that would be understood by their Arab enemies was force, violence, and strength. I say take a page from their book. Sure, the rejoinder is that bombings and such are still taking place. This is true, but Isreal won the war and I'm guessing the bloodshed is much less now than it was. I say, hit 'em. Hit 'em hard. If they peep out of their holes, hit 'em again. I'm no military strategist, but that's my armchair assessment. Avoidance didn't work too well for the French, now did it? And they suck up to the Arab nations big time. Greg_W
  9. Greg_W

    yahoo e-mail

    Never pass on an opportunity like that, dude.
  10. Could I get that as a title? Minx? IG?
  11. The important difference is that I wear them as a hat after I've taken them off with my teeth!
  12. Greg_W


    Yeah, baby!!! I'll make all my comments in my head...hubba hubba!!!!
  13. Greg_W


  14. The man on the left was also a communist - J. Edgar Hoover said so.
  15. Joseph, Who is the largest military contributer to the U.N.? We are. Do you honestly think that the United Nations can succeed where you think we have failed? What will the U.N. do? Anything? How will action (or inaction) by the U.N. reinforce the idea that terrorism will not be tolerated in by the United States of America? If anything, I see a handoff to the U.N. as a message to the Islamo-fascist world that the U.S. is weak and can't hack the fight. We both know that isn't true. As GD has said, the U.S. CAN win the fight; those in power just need to release the operators who know how to get the job done. You speak of geo-politics, but my first concern is the safety and security of the United States of America and my fellow citizens in this country. Decisive eradication of those who are our enemies is the first step to achieving this security. Take it to their homes before they bring it to ours. And for those of you who say, "I don't feel in danger." Look at the airplane bombings and the school hostages in Russia - it's come to their home. Why do you think it can't come here? On a related note, when I was in California last week, I saw on the news that there were arrests of individuals caught smuggling Al Qaeda members across the border from Mexico; don't think it can't happen. Greg_W
  16. From my limited experience ice climbing (started last year), I found having alpine and trad climbing experience was helpful since, in both of those you are dealing with dubious gear, long runouts, and the unexpected. Hope that helps.
  17. It's impossible to be "the route was left of Angel (10b) and right of Canary (5.8)". Jello Tower and Midway are right of Angel and left of Canary.
  18. Oh. You could hear us? Sorry.
  19. Greg_W


    If you do the latter, I'll take pictures/video and specialed will provide commentary.
  20. It's happening, I'm just telling you the source. What you do with the information is up to you - believe, don't believe; It doesn't matter to me, nor does it negate the fact that it's happening.
  21. Greg_W


    She's sexually frustrated. My cube mate would probably fuck her.
  22. Hi, Ken. This comes from someone who has been in the Forest Service for over 30 years and has seen the shift in actions and decisions of the wildlife biologists. It's happening.
  23. Please, a Kennedy? And a lawyer to boot? Sure, this screams credibility. How is it, exactly, that "the White House doles out lavish subsidies and tax breaks to the energy barons" again? They don't make the laws, Congress does. Nor do they control the budget, Congress does.
  24. I kinda doubt it. Eating small fish, spending all that time flying back and forth to the old growth from the ocean every day to feed youngin's. They're probably kinda stringy and smaller than a pigeon. Well, then I don't give a shit.
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