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Everything posted by ivan

  1. awww, mikey, dru loves you!
  2. SO who also climb can be a pain in the ass + SO who don't climb are a pain in the ass = SO are a pain in the ass regardless pick your priorities and do what comes naturally...i advise drinking heavily whenever relationship arguments come up...tends to mellow everything out...blacktar heroin works well too
  3. the sunshine is an easy, enjoyable route, and doing a circuit on a mountain is always cooler than retracing your steps, but there are certainly very large crevasses on the elliot glacier which no doubt will be opening soon if they haven't already, so be prepared w/ crevasse rescue bullshit
  4. ivan


    shit, "on the road" makes you want to drink & travel like a lunatic...that and "fear and loathing in las vegas"
  5. ivan


    savage wars of peace herotodus' "history" rox big time
  6. http://volcano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/frequent_questions/grp7/asia/question879.html more than 36,000 killed by krakatoa...top that everest.
  7. vesuvius and krakatoa both took out a shit-load of faqhers
  8. enjoy the weather before it craps out...anyone wanna climb at broughton friday from 3-dusk?
  9. sweeeet, so it sounds like Damn the Man, who could give a crap anyway. i'm there...w/ black camo paint and methyl alchohol disguised in capri-sun packets.
  10. ride the zip-line from the summit back to b-basin...don't forget a clean pair of drawers
  11. sticking it to the Man, winter-style.
  12. ya gavaro pa ruski unlike a viking i can't grow a beard like a viking i can get really drunk and trash other folks' proper-tie
  13. won't the Man still bitch about us being in the park after dusk, even if our cars are outside the gate? course, mikey has a natural flair for dealing with Authority figures
  14. i'll climb w/ ya mike, and fahq the Man...that's my essay hey, but doesn't broughton close at dusk? not much time to swill beer and munch burgers...seem to recall some old man w/ keys getting very testy on that issue with me a coupla months ago.
  15. grooooovy
  16. once a red-neck pulled a gun on me while hiking in what i thought was shenendoah national park...his point was i was on his land, and i didn't have a point, just a bad joke about not wanting to be dressed up like a deer near him. when the 'neck just spat a filthy wad of dip out and fingered his piece, i used the nifty digital compass feature on my suunuto vector to 'swack back to babylon
  17. huh? mike makes more sense if you attempt to make no sense of him there is clarity in chaos and fat chicks look like hot chix after you've been hit in the eye w/ a baseball
  18. pulled tuff for 2 days...now my hands are all chapped and sad led white satin and to my amazement only fell once. windy as hell at asterik pass...
  19. actually, you can have my red helmet...it's hanging out somewhere in boston basin, no doubt after melting out of the glacier sometime over the past 2 years. a nice pullover tucked into it too...
  20. you spraying so much josh ya ain't noticed the "lost n' found" forum
  21. a fellow carolingian? an alcolyte of professor t.f.x. noble perhaps?
  22. the answer is charlamagne in 800 A.D.! oh, wait, i just read the subject-line...
  23. kinderschnitzel mit pomme frittes and some faqh'n chainti!
  24. when harry ate sally works as cannibal porn too...
  25. so looking like rainier's gonna suck disyere weekend...anyone interested in going to smiff for a day or 2 who ain't got no amigos? stuart area also looks pretty dry and i got monday off so wouldn't mind making a pilgramage...
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