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Everything posted by ivan

  1. and it means? what's this climbing thread doign in spray!?
  2. ignore don't have to be forever - as my daughter will say, "i still love you, just not right now"
  3. i found a simple solution - set rumr to "ignore" and everything's back the way it was
  4. did you steal that from shrek? why not say we're like parfaits? man, just saying the word parfait got my mouth all drooling and everything!
  5. bill's really been opening up lately! hookers and assault w/ a deadly-weapon confessions in only a single week! truly, he is bruce banner!
  6. that cloud on the summit was super-surreal to be inside - so light and diaphonous you could see all the way to the horizon but as if through ghost with rainbow ribs - unnaturally calm in the lee of the summit rim - i can't remember the top ever being that cool
  7. what if i just get love all over it? won't that make the squeamish wanna leave it?
  8. Agreed. ah, but will the hosts get a bonus if i actually DO join da Special Forcez!?!
  9. really different cases right? if lincoln would be on any side in china it seems he'd favor taiwain, since they (the Kuomintang) were the prexisting government that was overthown by the rebels (the Communists). i imagine he'd find mao's egalatarism attractive, though clearly not his atheism. i suspect he'd be unhappy with either side, given the KMT's sham/corrupt democracy and both sides blatant hostility to human rights.
  10. the ranger recruiting ads were much less ghey than the current air force one i've been seeing...and it linked to a much sweeter game
  11. uh, he didn't do that - you should look back at the buckley thread - he posted a cartoon which did id buckley as an elitest, bigot though, and i didn't notice you defending him there from a heap of other charges - who cares how long buckley's been moldering? the truth is the truth, and he wasn't a saint beyond reproach.
  12. ivan


    "the lord tells me he can get me out of this, but he's pretty sure you're fucked!"
  13. saw ya'll at illum gap - looks like a very fun run - maybe some life i'll learn to ski...
  14. a lebowski-esque reply would have been best: "well...that's like, your opinion, man" thompson certainly was more enjoyable reading
  15. "Remember: keep the right wing strong." -Alfred Graf von Schlieffen
  16. ivan

    Sexy Time!

    mine too, but usually b/c she's carrying a sharp knife or heavy, blunt object
  17. ivan

    Sexy Time!

    i'm sure i gotta be the 300th guy to have made this observation, but at least it's original - for effect, you gotta read it w/ a jewish accent, no? "so, his wife's name is silda spitzer - hmmm, why would he want to cheat on such a pretty wife? could it be BECAUSE she's a spitzer?"
  18. i'd have loved to have seen buckley and hunter thompson in the same roof - jesus-fuck! tell me that had to have happened at some point?
  19. most of the panegyrics i read of buckley last week were still honest enough to admit buckley supported mccarthy and opposed civil rights and never apologized up to the day of his death for holding those patently wrong views, so it's not like a man's a wack-o for pointing out w/ a cartoon that buckley had elements of his personality that were bigoted, elitest and/or fascist. that said, noam chomsky is as close as the left gets to the kool-aid drinkers...
  20. this one time i climbed w/ this guy, and i like wouldn't shut up the whole time....
  21. all the easy routes on the volcanoes should still be in good shape then - i'd recommend starting on something that doesn't feature glaciers, so hood's s side and adam's s side are good choices. KK's list above has other good things for you.
  22. won't need the space suit after we build up an atmosphere beyotch!
  23. ivan

    Sexy Time!

    I don't think it is possible to make a point for prostitution without denigrating women. what about the sorta prostitution that this feller goes in for?
  24. i'm thinking the scale will be hard to get past CO2I 2, given that you'll only weigh 38% of what you do on earth (assuming you don't veg out on munchies the whole way there)
  25. ivan


    the erudite application of the vernacular of the peasantry is an act of preternatural fucking eloquence, assface!
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