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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan

    The True Patriot

    is this really a playground argument over the word "fair?" since when were taxes ever really fair? thugs w/ clubs have been extorting money from the masses since time immemorial - it's just the way the show works. the idea of leashing the thugs ever so slightly w/ the collar of elections was a good one, though it didn't take into account the success political parties that favored the affluent would have in convincing poor folks to vote against their interests in exchange for a promise that boys wouldn't be allowed to kiss each other. the bottomline is the bills need to get paid, and if that means the rich guys have to settle for only having a single private jet, i can't find in my heart to feel so bad. maybe if 50% of our budget wasn't going to the department of war we could have lower income taxes and no estate tax, eh?
  2. would someone page layton so we can see some proper hate-spray here?
  3. this is why i married a person who understands how to fix computers - are they designed to completly melt-down every year or so or what?
  4. ivan


    looks like canada's running out of time before our glorious Manifest Destiny's gonna have to reassert itself again
  5. naw, it's all great, even for an 1/8th of a ton sized guerilla like meself - espeically the 10 in a row "flexy" pitons on "flight time!"
  6. ivan

    The True Patriot

    uh, doesn't that sound exactly like "mao zedong thought" it you just strike out the "american" and replace it with "chinese?"
  7. ivan


    now THAT sounds like terrorism!
  8. ivan


    was the african national congress a terrorist organization? were the sons of liberty terrorists? was gandhi a terrorist, as he had millions of followers who could (and did, though of course he opposed it) use physical violence at any time, and who certainly could terrify the livlihood of tens of thousands of english citizens with his boycotts? were abolotionists terrorsts? was john brown? the word "terrorist" has to mean something big - like "treason" it must be very narrowily defined or risk being abused by government to legitimize monstrous oppression - clearly the folks who did this latest arson need to have their balls nailed to the wall for it, but to call them terrorists paves the way for the government further trampling our civil liberties in the pursuit of the ultra-mega-evil-doers. these guys are criminals, not terrorists, unless you wanna start calling dope-slingers terrorists too, and why not?
  9. ivan


    whatever the morality of this is, and i certainly don't agree w/ it, though i have a fair-sized anarchist streak in me, this can't be called terrorism without distortign and watering-down the meaning of the word. terrorists intentionally try to kill people - whatever numbnuts did this were not intentionally trying to kill anyone.
  10. my nightmare is seeing shit like that on acid
  11. which would make wensday the 5th, eh?
  12. ivan


  13. 'tis a motley rack - wouldn't matter if'n i had marks anyhow as it's all dirtier than keith moon's drawers on a sunday morning
  14. if i see you climbing at ozone, am i allowed to taunt you? the climbing was great at da zone y-day - was thinking of you while howling my st paddy's day warmup list at max volume for the hundreds of crag-bunnies in attendance
  15. i never mark my gear - everyone else marks theres, so why worry? plus, you can claim anyone else's non-marked shit b/c, hey, that's my mark!
  16. maybe she wants to climb with a dude dammit pink, why couldnt' you have said "maybe she wants to climb w/ a man" so i coulda responded w/ the killer - "well, that explains why she didn't pm you either!"
  17. more like, "why do you hate grammar?"
  18. assuming the weather's good - reid, sandy or n face (haven't seen any tr's on the later this year, anyone set foot on it during all this recent good weather?) anyone interested?
  19. this isn't even factoring in the price-tag for the eventual glitzy memorial that will be required to salute all the boys n' girls who died to keep china british either
  20. what he said, and oh-by-the-way-coulior, can you get a new hot avatar pic? the current one kinda looks like a guy in a banana-hammock and i'm not certain if what i'm feeling is appropriate
  21. beacon has a whole constellation of fixed, ancient and funky pins on the slab pitch of the se corner (to name just one route there sporting such history) - my fav was the one i resorted to using in the pouring rain last december - the eye ring has been so hammered in you can just barely thread a skinny runner through it
  22. i already fought the urge to spray on this when it was in the partners forum
  23. anyone repeating my stories generations from now will likely be passing down a big steaming pile of bullshit guess that's kinda the fun of it though.... "then he had this one summer, at band camp..."
  24. i entered into this conversation being pretty nuetral - i think chris' pts are strongest so far - having the current level of access to the n side preserved/maintained and making it so the rest will stay as is forever w/ no more development seems to me a no-shit good idea.
  25. odd that the god of wealth should be confused on such matters
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