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Everything posted by ivan

  1. it counts as a school day, and that's what counts for me come on june 17!
  2. ivan

    school's out

    that's me, especially come june - so stay unemployed, eh?
  3. "keep it in climbing"
  4. hey, i can actually read some of that!
  5. no right is inviolate, and i prefer my rights to privacy, fair trails and expression far more to guns, which you must admit, were written up in the murkiest fashion possible given the literary talents and wit of those founding-fuckers
  6. i feel better off when i don't try to think how i ever felt at any other time - actually just not feeling or thinking at all seems to be a very good piece of advice, if only i could get that whole 8-fold path thing worked out....
  7. come on wallstreet don't be slow this war's a go-go-go there's plenty enough money to be made in supplying the army the tools of the trade!
  8. they can have my forest pass when they pry it from my cold, dead hands!
  9. looks like seneca rocks, west virginia area?
  10. sounds like it was in pretty normal condition, but it also sounds like you made the smart choice, knowing yourself and how you felt leaning out over the n face while doing the dance across the top is half the (super) fun!
  11. ivan

    hotmail problems

    maybe a strongly worded email to bill gates would help? if anyone can pull it off, you can mike-o!
  12. your forget the all important 1/4 for the 420!
  13. tvash + fairweather = gay pride parade
  14. so, is that tome worth muddling through? i'm enjoying it capitaly, but then i'm me - i'm also reading a much shortening version that's only 700 some odd pages long, instead of the 3000+ uncut version (maybe i'll do that later) - jayb had a lot of great quotes from it in an old thread, i've found many more i've dug - i think its amazing how readable it is, given that it was written in the 18th century, not so known for its readable prose...
  15. guns are protected for state militias - what's a state militia got ta do in a national park?
  16. any rock mecca 'round here will do... maybe hood if the forecast will improve a bit...
  17. been reading gibbon's "decline n' fall of the roman empire" lately - just came across a good quite to describe this favored punching-bags: (in describing the asshole opponents of pertinax, a new and virtous emperor who followed the monstrous tyrant commodus) "his honest indiscretion united against him the servile crowd, who found their private benefit in the public disorders, and who preferred the favour of a tyrant to the inexorable equality of laws." seem to describe most of the bushII-era crony ass-fucks
  18. they go great w/ the hemp-rope
  19. that's a long ways to cover in a single day assuming you're young, the best advice is to do stupid things w/ a head towards not being so stupid as to get yourself killed - i.e., take chances, think often on the dangers you're exposing yourself to and learn from your mistakes. have fun.
  20. ivan

    hotmail problems

    it's fawked mike - been on the news and everything - but only extra-unlucky folks like you got the shaft - it's been working fine for me and i even just wrote my mama a real purty note
  21. it's only racist if you hate nigras
  22. jeebus n' mohamed
  23. ivan


    you all healed up now?
  24. what did you have for bivy gear?
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