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Everything posted by ivan

  1. i'll be out there saturday mornign at 730 w/ ben - i gotta leave around 4, but he might well want to stay later
  2. we don't like signs much at beacon, 'cept maybe for pissing on!
  3. dude, what's wrong w/ jim magic mud, eh?
  4. actually i was just ripping off george orwell Fine. He who does not know history is doomed to repeat it. now you're ripping off Lord Acton or somebody. doesn't matter. he was wrong anyway. i agree (though it was george santayana who's credited w/ that old saw)- the russia/germany ww2 thing is the perfect example - hitler was intensly interested in napoleon's invasion of russia and very concious of avoiding his historical mistakes - the problem is that no situation in the present is a perfect match with a past historical example (the chaos theory thang), so a history book is like an advisor - wise perhaps, often right maybe, but hardly foolproof
  5. actually i was just ripping off george orwell
  6. Just curious. I don't really remember having any good/if any at all speakers like that in HS. However in college some of the memorable classes are when you have speakers come to your class and talk about their first hand experiences with you. Good for you. you'd like my "history of war" elective then - i have several quest speakers a month, from 90 year old ww2 fighter pilots to 19 year old former students and now current army rangers back from afghanistan my favorite was when one fool fell asleep during a new jersey vietnam vet's visit - the vet's name was lou - he was blown up by a malfunction artillery shell in the midst of a firefight and seriously mangled - he's in a a wheel chair now and still plenty scarred 40 years later - nonplussed by the kid, he tore into him w/ a vengeance, beating the kid's desk w/ his cane and shouting "i didn't get blown the fuck up so you can sleep through my fucking story, kid!" the kid sat bolt upright, beat red, for the next half hour.
  7. if CBR's gonna get turned into a crag, would somebody please machete a better path through the goddamn slide-alder!!!
  8. ivan

    My New Sherpa?

    no good - too many raw recruits from kentucky, tennesse, alabama and mississippi would try to fuck'em and be rendered combat-ineffective after developing GAIDS!
  9. can't a course of action be both rational and incredibly evil?
  10. high school social studies - why?
  11. ivan

    palin pregnancy

    i suppose mary accounts for the less than perfect record?
  12. i had a holocaust survivor speak to my class a couple years ago - she was ukranian - she was sent to auschwitz but lived b/c she spoke several languages and actually wasn't jewish and so the guards used her as a translator - anyway, she was very clear that she hated stalin far more than hitler, based on her memory of the horrible famine that proceeded the war and the way everyone in her village was drafted by stalin, then immediately killed "he who controls the past, controls the future"
  13. and, studies show, many of the males go gay! Start your own thread big guy. just thought it was an interesting coincidence since gangs of top-ropers are often sport-climbers, who are all clearly gay
  14. dunno - i was at the zoo one day when an elephant named randy (who had damn near 10 foot long tusks) was reeling a bit randy - at first i thought he had developed a 5th leg - the thing literally touched the ground, and appeared to have several bones in it capable of articulating in multiple dimensions - the juvenile female trapped in his pen had just one expression on her sad face =>
  15. and, studies show, many of the males go gay!
  16. ivan

    palin pregnancy

    so you agree then that palin's policy stance on abstince-only education is retarded, yes? No, not with regards to her beliefs. Effective? No. But then again neither are condoms when you don't put them on and, as evidenced by the rate of teen pregnancies, they arent putting themm on. if you believe that the best solution to a problem is one that doesn't solve the problem at all, and in fact makes the problem worse than other reasonable solutions, how is that not retarded? the increase in the rate of teen pregnancies which you refer coincided w/ the massive increase in abstinence only education, right? maybe the reason kids ain't been putting the sock on the pickle right is b/c they haven't had the joy of having a 70 year old teacher literally demonstrate that for them in front of all of their peers, eh? (as a side note, no doubt the most awkward day in my 8th grade gym class!)
  17. ivan

    palin pregnancy

    irony is funny hilarious means funny the palin daughter is preggo thang is ironic so the palin daughter preggo thang is hilarious
  18. ivan

    palin pregnancy

    so you agree then that palin's policy stance on abstince-only education is retarded, yes?
  19. geoff, i'm planning on being out at beacon on saturday w/ ben to do the complete stepphenwulf if you wanna come along...
  20. sure didn't FEEL established as a nut tool was required for most every placement and enough vegatation was pulled to earn the vaunted "least cool man of the year" award from the Society of Pretentious Eco-Friendly-Fucks my glaz-balls still feel fucked today as i'm pulling out lichen-enhanced eye-boogers - i was so red-eyed this morning at school i was afeared someone might get the wrong idea 'bout me
  21. ivan

    My New Sherpa?

    yeah, i was intentionally erring so as not to appear to be nerd-boy still, if you want i can reproduce the droid language for you...
  22. ivan

    My New Sherpa?

    umm - it looks kinda like an imperial drone, doesn't it? our generals should totally start wearing darth vader body armor!
  23. that's my point - it's beautiful out but i'm back at school...
  24. ivan

    palin pregnancy

    fucking's a sin? does my penis make me a bad boy? where is my fucking rifle?!?
  25. i heard something about someone recently setting out to do ground zero w/ the full ledge setup but bailed?
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