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Everything posted by ivan

  1. well said jay i don't think the world's gonna end b/c a dem's back in the white house after 8 years bet there's some secret service boys working overnight 2night though!
  2. hope you noticed bill i was careful in my post not to say we're the same...
  3. holy shit, i WISH beacon was like the barchus version!!! the connell version is nice, though it exaggerates the coolness too - ah well, it's all good
  4. where are the snowden's of yester-year?
  5. more like drunken scop man or can i be wiglaf? or hrothgar? beowulf was a git!
  6. no way - if'n i'm gonna be a super-hero, i'm gonna be: mediocre man!
  7. remarked to the wife last night: "why does it feel like christmas eve?"
  8. or is old karl just trying some jedi-mind-tricks on us?
  9. what happened to this guy truly sucks not to excuse china for its abuses, but haven't we lately done the same thing to a number of innocent folks, albeit perhaps a smaller #? would the monk have been any better off if he had had a gun (and temporary amnesia enough to forget his pacifist ways)?
  10. nah - beacon's hardly that - merely "the best climbing area w/n a reasonable drive from house"
  11. I agree... Impossible to inspect. And people complain about 1/4 inch bolts being time bombs... to my experience (again on columnar basalt), a bad pin is very easy to diagnose - i've removed 3 this past year by hand, 2 with no more force than it takes to pull a card out of a deck. maybe my faith in beacon pins is i spend so much time yarding on and abusing them?
  12. what i meant was, given the state of the art of bolts back a couple decades ago, a well placed pin at beacon was as good as a bolt (and certainly more aesthetic) - standard bolts are now much larger and seem to have much more gnarly hangers, so yeah, i'm sure they age better (but they'll still look gay if they're close to a crack)
  13. worth remembering too that, with the skinnier ropes, you need skinnier emergency prusiks in case you need to tie off the belay or ascend the line - i learned this one the painful way
  14. Does that count your children? depends what kind of a mood they're in no matter what, i rank far below the backyardigans - and rightly so, that austin is a cool cat...
  15. if god votes, i somehow think he'll be going 3rd party - nadar maybe?
  16. the old pins there are just as trustworthy as the old bolts - nothing's better than a modern (good) bolt placement though of course
  17. i'll bite - seems to depend on the rock type - they are every bit as good as bolts on beacon rock style basalt coluomnar cracks
  18. even if yer right, tvash... they'll be back!
  19. given that my in-laws are in town, there's a very high probablity somebody at mi case will be getting falling-down drunk
  20. ivan

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    i'm now expecting a ton of crap for doing tr's for the mighty, mighty beacon the "granny's asscrack" tr was a fun blast-from-the-past though
  21. i'm famous! to, like, 10 people or so
  22. what, they can't wait 3 days and do her n' guy fawkes simultaneously?
  23. hood's an easy mtn to climb a thousand times - a very solid workout to stay in shape, and routes like the reid, cooper spur and n face are very hard to get bored with (especially when soloing) so maybe my point, fw, given your long list of other folks who let their ideals carry them beyond reasonable limits, is that it is our nature to go beyond the pale when we think we're right - it would then be useless to criticize folks for acting that way - that's why we build in the institutional checks - the bottom line, given the subject of the thread, is that our nation can have a socialist leader and actually end up the better for it
  24. i like money
  25. oh yeah, and i forget to remark: lincoln was over-rated? uh, okay. you and who else, beside a couple of skin-heads would possibly say that? (this from a damned redneck southerner, raised literally in the ashes of the confederacy?)
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