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Everything posted by ivan

  1. nice - now on to 2000! and a little flamey icon!
  2. uhmm, wtf are you talking about? i didn't ruin shit up there and in fact left when i was worried about bringing it down - duh! still, say i went back there and it came down - would this give you the right to label me as clumsy? fuck no - like bill's pic shows, rocks do become progressively more unstable over time, and someday a butterfly will fart on that panel, and it will come down - or will it be b/c the buttefly's clumsy?
  3. ivan

    Pet Dinosaurs

    ever notice how people who don't believe in evolution look really un-evolved?
  4. iain and i had a very spicey descent nov 1 a number of years ago on bullet-proof black ice, but it went - at any rate, if you can get to the summit, i'm sure you can get back down again. be careful on the west side - in warm conditions the shit that comes down it is often no-joke.
  5. both luethold and the reid are worth checking out - if it's warm they'll be raining shit though, so be ready to bail back to the south side
  6. what the hell should i do w/ my one day of freedom? another crack at silver crow? was thinking i should do jensen's again this season. maybe see just how much jeff's hard work was worth it this past summer? but then i've also wanted to do the last pitch of flight time since last year(if only the thought of hanging off that goddamn worthless anchor wasn't so nasaeuating) repeat ground zero? to riverside? to top out? the time doesn't feel right for smooth dancer - i'm thinking that'll have to be next summer... why did the wet winter have to up and get here so damn fast? ow, wait, what was that one wayne mentioned above land of the little people? shit!
  7. dave - me n' geoff and maybe my friend mike will be out 'roudn 730 saturday - i think jim and a friend will be out aroudn 10 after that and geoff will taking them up young warriors
  8. if kevbone was actually a chick, and hot, and the both of you were naked and covered in butter, ya'll's tart little bitchy exchanges would be much more compelling spray - as it is, it's kinda like watching 2 retards trying to hump a doorknob
  9. would that have been the first botched nose job in history?
  10. you got that metal working thang on the brain these days no doubt
  11. gives a whole new meaning to: "kneel before zod!"
  12. i don't pretend to understand the complexities of the national finances as i can't even do that for my own meager treasure still, i suppose i could get myself worked up over this if you could explain to me how paulson's actions were in no way pursuant of fixing the overall economy, which no doubt would be repudiated by someone else and leave me wanting to drill a large hole out of my ::
  13. state college, pa ft hood, tx ft jackson, sc lehrberg, germany stuttgart, germany grafton, va gloucester, va charlottesville, va hickory, nc richmond, va vancouver, wa i don't actually recall being born though - i think it must have happened during one of my blackouts
  14. ivan


    as bill maher said last week, president obama's first priority come january needs to be getting the saudis laid: "Muhammad Hawas of Saudi Arabia poses with his Damascene goat, or Maaz Al Shami, named Qahr, which won the first prize for the "Most Beautiful Goat" title at the Mazayen al-Maaz competition in Riyadh June 13, 2008. "
  15. ivan


    "mother of god, i thought, here it comes!"
  16. the use of sarcasm by a speaker is a subconcious and often mistaken acknowledgement of the audience's non-retard status
  17. i think that, regardless, dean potter must climb the sphinx's chin
  18. oh, of course JAKE PORTER would ride to the rescue of the damsel in need! :puke:
  19. i dunno - i think i see stone crying out its violation here - you're saying some mofo just FOUND a stone that looked like this bitch's ear?!?
  20. How does one "abuse" stone? i'm pretty certain these at least required some chipping
  21. i hope not, as i also hope the sporto-boys don't like getting cold and go away once beacon closes
  22. weren't the ancient egyptians great abusers of stone? in regards to bolting, WWKTD?
  23. why is it that every time i hear homeboy's name i can only think of this guy?
  24. Raindawg is currently in Egypt where he is directing an expedition in the Valley of the Kings, excavating, studying and conserving several tombs in the royal cemetery. (And doing some desert exploration as well). That's where he is and what he be doing. - Raindawg truly? very interesting if so and something i'd like to hear more about.
  25. this seems a fitting quote to swap out "terror and injury" for "spray"
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