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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan


  2. ivan


    we could, however, build 50,000 more walmarts in that time
  3. 'cuz dumb cunt still = cunt, which still = vaguely worth it
  4. the pink-tricam-highly-fucking-recommended pitch and another fabled entry in the all-taint, all-the-time competition!
  5. ivan


    naw, dude, i gotta take you! didn't we talk about j'berg once? if only we could bring jim!
  6. ivan


    dood, dru would have been in the lead fir that 2 if only he logged trips on yer momma! turns out that you suck at funny too
  7. ivan


    and the reason why FW was the ONLY one who seemed to think it seriously worth thinking about
  8. ivan


    dood, dru would have been in the lead fir that 2 if only he logged trips on yer momma!
  9. weren't those tricky-dick's damn near EXACT words in nixon/frost?
  10. eww! strawman, you're other favorite bitch! the only folks i ever heard call the obama-lama the M word were sarah palin muff-munchers
  11. ivan


    dude, didn't i tell you - you suck at funny! seems to me chiro = a decent living, which no man can begrudge
  12. ivan

    The New Poor

    as an aside jay, what do you make of the works of charles dickens, man of letters i know you to be? was scrooge simply misunderstood in his salad days?
  13. sure - we are none of us angels and must use the political winds to our advantage - the difference here is that the repulicunts ARE more corrupt, as is plainly obvious by their continious advocation of tax breaks for the rich, the expansion of a global empire that further enrichs them and their desire to kill programs that benefit the non-rich, not to mention their complete moral hypocrisy on a host of issues, most humorously sexual ones the unfortunate choice of most ballts is between the corrpt politician and the waaaaaay corrupt one
  14. i believe the spray-collective analyzed this historic photo-shoot at lenght years ago - perhaps someone w/ a higher iq than me can drag it out of the Historic Archives
  15. ivan

    See ya suckers

    wait, we've backed a fucking fig-eater who's turned out to be a total fucking loser?!? that's never happened before, has it?
  16. what's your point, fukdawedder? you know the cycle - the party thats out gets to profit from the inevitable scandals of the party's that in - do you think you're some clairovoyant genius? politics by its very nature is corrupting - whoring for money and cozying up to giant business (which the party in the majority almost by definition is doing best) is par for the course for the last 150 years, dumbocrat or republicunt are we supposed to buy some line of shit that your poison of choice is morally superior?
  17. ivan


    The question is not whether they have more children but whether those children survive long enough to themselves reproduce. if you drunkenly spawn a giant litter of pups and leave'em in the van while you gamble on the rez and they all bake to death, it's the hand of god removing your seed from the gene pool, man! throwing product at the problem solves all problems the allies in ww1 mayflies drugzzzz!
  18. ivan

    The New Poor

    maybe i worked more min wage jobs than you? i remember working w/ lots of middle-aged folks (sure, dumb as rocks, but wtf else were they going to do?) who were either min-wage like me or just a few pennies more b/c of a salary scale that at least started at 3.75 $ (virginia's poor man mandate at the time!)
  19. ivan


    undoubtedly the researchers done saw idiocracy:
  20. ivan


    undoubtedly why :nurd:s only screw hawt chix!
  21. fascinating blurb about the spur - i've climbed it in very melted out conditions (skeeery!) and passed an immense pile of rotten old rope up there, undoubtedly what it's referring to!
  22. but you suck at funny, so all spray-bouts w/ you have to be serious, staid affairs if you wish to engage in lebowski references or pick at puns i'd dig the change though...man.
  23. didn't i? if that wasn't enough...uh... ...will this do?
  24. isn't this the sort of ad hominem argument you get so worked up over? Not trying to shed any light on your selective exhibit, but it was a response to this: so the lesson is: "i CAN be a dipshit just like you!" ?
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