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Everything posted by ivan

  1. not really
  2. we have an unenumerated right to die like dogs if we can't get/afford health-care?
  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35986306/ns/politics-capitol_hill/ who'da thought it'd be a texan?
  4. kinky sex makes the world go round
  5. ivan

    Greek Style

    Greece has a tax evasion rate much greater than that of other European countries. Bringing it down to the European average would go a long way toward solving the debt problem. Easier said than done of course. enforcing their trademarks on democracy n chest hair might bring in some drachmas too
  6. doesn't quite have the same oomf as a care bear, does it?
  7. i thought this was about a guns n' roses lyric?
  8. there but for the grace of dog...
  9. it doesn't suprise me at all that a terrebonnian would need 2.5 hours to make it to smiff
  10. keep going to broughtons - only 1/2 as crazy there
  11. so...many moons from now and yer all better and you do the route, you'll just clip the #3 w/ its biner, and not extend it till you're above the yellow tcu (or offset, if either of us have bought one by then )? sure am glad i wasn't there dude! i'd have had to put my fucking drink down! when do i get yer pain meds again?
  12. you didn't get the memo on the best climbing in oregon!?!?!
  13. "its a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart"
  14. we all know for well that for you, good sir, there is NO off-season it might be n facing, but at least its windy!
  15. how far was jim from the wall taking pix when you fell and how far does he reckon he got jerked back in? gotta imagine he was pulled in at least 3-4 feet which woulda been the difference - i've been careless there too, but gotta believe if he was sitting against the wall you shoulda been fine - coulda, woulda, shoulda, whatcanyafuking do - bad luck for sure at any rate and its a forking miracle it hasn't happened to me yet!
  16. excepting if its a hood s side tr, in which case it gets none however, adding a snazzy new take on the mtn's name earns back 1 line i did a tr for the hoodwand entirely in haiku once - after i finish my renaissance english course i'll take a crack at blank verse i like flogging molly for the approach tunes meself
  17. kenny's pain meds sound to be wearing off
  18. Drop zone i prefer bone-zone w/ all the carcass remains - love the bones hammered into ground cracks
  19. rob, didn't ya'll haul a keg up to cloud cap sometime back? how'd you get it there? seem to recall pete n' some others were in on it...
  20. i work in a human zoo
  21. ivan

    what a bunch of pussies

    my ma's 6'2", 250 lbs and runs the 40 in 4.4 bitches!
  22. i'm so proud our little website can make buying a used car so dramatic hound, have you climbed siege tactics on the n side of beacon yet? seems a route w/n your abilities, and you can just bike there!
  23. ivan

    Rolex Replicas?

    why haven't you turned it into a lamp already?
  24. i'll give up the devil's club beetle for X2 slide alder ones, please
  25. nice - justin displaying the true test of a blue-collar type, the ability to smoke, handless, while doing anything you boys make the worms cry!
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