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Everything posted by ivan

  1. dude! seriously, do you have a regifting plan? i can find a nice new home for quite a few of those guys!
  2. i didn't even know what red mill was until suddenly my wife presented me w/ 200 lbs of various sorts of flour to store in my garage only took like 8 months to kick the whole lot! the 20 lbs of sea salt on the other hand...
  3. it'll be worth the drive i'll wager - how many happy hours i spent on that wall this summer! take a ledge and set up camp 1 pitch up and enjoy both green dragon and town crier - from my experience last spring, i'd recommend a bivy sack at least or better yet a ledge-fly as the drips coming off the main watercourse get blown around a lot in the wind
  4. dude, i'm stoked, ground's breaking on my neighborhood taco hell! oughta put those fuckers at mickey'd's n' burgerville n' subway (100 yards away) right in their fucking place!
  5. now that's frak'n funny
  6. there's nothing wrong w/ just climbing on the n side this time of year if'n you want yer beacon fix - yer wearing long clothes anyhow so fuck the poison oak!
  7. can you ever have too many off-set aliens? or offset dmm nutz for that matter...
  8. ivan

    Just Say No

    the 'bono's 6'8" n' 500 lbs though
  9. ivan

    Just Say No

    such a play hater, you are what's the height of the goal then? what if ole' akibone just laid his whale carcass lenghtwise on the ice (and fortified himself w/ plenty of morphine 'fore the match)?
  10. ivan

    Just Say No

    i've never understood why nhl teams don't hire sumo wrestlers - wtf? is there in fact a rule limiting the goalie's width? that akibono-mofo IS the size of the net!
  11. also exonerated after trial (if we want to play fair)
  12. nah, nature has evolved a more spectacular cycle than that for his unique and wonderous species - soon he'll asexually reproduce and thousands of rush limbaugh looking tumors will grow all over his body, eventually to detach and fall to the ground with a big moist splat, whereupon they'll all grow legs and run off to join pro-gun, pro-life, anti-healthcare organizations somewhere
  13. ivan


    thought the same thing before i even saw yer post It's not. It's Francis Dormand. yeah, but if ya shagged her you might get to talk with The Dude afterwards...man.
  14. the sum of your dem's posted so far don't equal yer boy here
  15. great find, fw - i'm sure the 56 year old married to the chick less than half his age (and the baby-mama herself) didn't have any pre-existing craziness going on
  16. ivan


    this should be in winter olympics - on ice - w/ skates and sticks - basically hockey w/ all the actual game thrown out
  17. ivan


    thought the same thing before i even saw yer post
  18. In general, I'm bemused about the parnoia and fear of gun toters. Im with you Jim. Im also bemused about the parnoia and fear of gun toters. I mean really, once you meet them and get to know those gun toters, you find their really just nice folks. I dont really know why people are so paranoid and fearful of gun toters. But lots of folks are. Maybe they are just haters and insecure deep down inside? whatever paranoia i have against gun toters is likely the result of a gun being pulled on me by an angry red-neck in shenendoah national park - though i was in the park according to the map and signs, he was confident i was on HIS land - i'm pretty certain having a gun myself in that situation could only have made things worse
  19. freudian slip? i don't much give a shit about guns, but it is a little disturbing that many folks buy them out of a deep desire to kill
  20. i'll bite - old crater is easy and should be done w/o a rope - bring a second tool - look out for ice chunks bouncing down the slope from the upper rim - aim to be hitting the hogsback shortly after sunup enjoy
  21. luther wright and the wrongs do the superior version of that there song
  22. pink's on your side on that one though, if you care for the company!
  23. naww, i'm always testy, as my poor wife will attest who needs vacations to climb? quite the day of adventure 2day!
  24. aw, SS is an optimist!
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