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Everything posted by ivan

  1. ivan


    chivington's boys at sand creek would have been in fine company w/ some of them japanese fellers - hell, thrown in lt calley n' curtis lemay n' andersonville's commandant n' the pilgrims from the 2nd t-giving (w/ the poisoned chalice) and we might have a dream-team that could just about turn this fucker around in our favor, dontcha think bill?
  2. forecast for a chance of showers/snow up there tonight through tomorrow, w/ a worsening forecast into saturday, so don't be surprised if it gets super shitty and/or you can't see a thing - you got a plan for navigating back down through soup? if so and you're comfortable w/ it, enjoy and see how high you get! http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Government+Camp&state=OR&site=PQR&textField1=45.3042&textField2=-121.754&e=0
  3. shitty - better when total strangers die if he was a skiier, than likely not climbing the coe, but just getting turns in on the snowdome, eh?
  4. finding beer in the middle of nowhere is like being in a video game and finding some magical, life-restoring token that makes the TV make a huge happy noise when you swipe it
  5. ivan

    US loses the war

    the more important question is: will this increase the price of my medicinal heroin?
  6. ivan


    i will gladly consider sleepign w/ any hawt mexican or indian chix who'd like to be compensated for my country's crimes against their august peoples reckon that list ought to include phillipinas n' haiwai chicas too
  7. holy shit - hope to fuck it's not as bad as 8-ball says - if the ungodly heat, bugs, hurricanes, etc. werent' excuse enough already, seems like its high time to get the fuck out of the gulf region! and soon enough east coast as well? regarding nuke power, prole, i don't see how chernboyl can much compare to this, especially if the above author's worst case scenario comes to be - power's gonna have to come from somewhere.
  8. have you done the improbable traverse route? hardly any difficult climbing and probably more straight forward. don't know about having a dozen folks on it at the same time though, that's quite the mountie's picnic!
  9. hamm's is gone? thought that shit had a pic of mt hood on it and i had some just the other day?
  10. nonsense - i've taken worse, and far warmer too i'd bet
  11. ivan

    Chimp raping a frog

    that video would be even better if the bar-denizens stormed out of the joint while laughing n' ripped the face off every motherfucker they could find more bachnalian at any rate...
  12. do bears steal beer?
  13. if you see the buddha along the road...
  14. who's the youngest to row the circumnav there, big E?
  15. the sophmores i teach have an entirely different definition of epic that any so far posited here
  16. so will this ultimately improve access to dome n' the ptarmigan traverse or not? i manage to always be drunk n' not driving when going down this road
  17. "go bouldering" =
  18. it's called minimum wage?
  19. i'd plan on cooking w/ c4 - what could go wrong? also could be used for opening up my tauntaun for an emergency bivy if conditions turned poor...
  20. enjoy the tower - moof was down there 2 months ago or so and told me that a good deal of the fixed gear had been removed, including hte fixed lines on the approach, and that he needed to hand place a pin (they were doing je-sus built me hotrod, but ended up bailing off it and following the trade route) to get through a tough spot on p2
  21. "ties are like kissing your sister"
  22. ivan

    Chimp raping a frog

    well...that's natural....
  23. you taking your board so you can ride on back down it? i might be game, is so, but i'll need to bring on a wheelbarrow for meself to carry my balls in.
  24. a better disney ride though...
  25. ivan


    ...cuz you can only jerk off so many times a day?
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