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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. The sulphur comes from the eastern side of the western summit. When I was up there it was quite strong, stronger than I've smelled on Hood.
  2. Golite "Cave" siltarp takes some finesse to put up, but it's light and keeps out rain. Weighs 17oz-19oz with stakes. Info Buy one at www.promountainsports.com for $120. bring a bugnet for your head. Weighs nothing.
  3. I thought the NR was a fine non-technical route when I did it on 7/4/05. Straightforward route and the scree wasn't too bad. Probably significantly more melted out by now though. I glissaded down one of the snowfields to skier's left of the ridge on the way down which made for a nicer descent than the NR. That might be a better (although steeper) option for the ascent as well.
  4. We hiked in on Sunday and out on Monday. We talked to two guys while we were hiking in and they were hiking out (they had climbed Adams Gl that day I think), but other than that, we didn't see any other climbers. Saw one guy with a couple of little rat dogs... pomeranians or some shit. That wasn't you was it? Just kidding. Anyway, it was nice; we had the whole N. side of the mountain to ourselves. The guys we talked to said it had been crazy busy the day before.
  5. Over Ingalls on the way in, over Longs on the way out.
  6. If you try to climb it really early season (like say, May) it is VERY steep snow. Totally shut my partner and I down after we had no problems on the North Face. I haven't been up there when it's dry rock. BTW: It's not necessary to post the same question in both the NC forum and the CB forum.
  7. Alpinfox

    Too much gear!

    Obviously for us to do a proper pack audit, we need to know what was in your pack. But anyway, here are some general considerations that haven't been mentioned already: Try to share shit with your group members. Does EVERYONE in the group need their own sunscreen, knife, 1st aid kit, lipbalm, porno mag, copy of FOTH, compass, big camera, altimeter, etc, etc? Does everyone need their own 8oz block of chese, 16oz horsecock, bottle of Dom, etc? Probably not. In the specific case of the dog routes on Rainier, there are so many freakin' people on those routes you can get away with leaving a lot of shit behind. The best places to save weight/size are tent, sleeping bag, pot/stove, backpack, & sleeping pad. Compare your stuff to the cutting edge equip in terms of size and weight and make some changes. Go to Jim Nelson's shop, give him your credit card, and you will be healed! HAILELUJIAH!!!
  8. Shasta - The Clear Creek route is straightforward, less crowded, and less exposed to wind than Avy Gulch. I don't know what it will be like in late August; probably a dusty scree fest with a crack or two. Probably still better than AG though. Thielsen - the summit pinnacle is exposed easy class 4 for about 50ft. McLoughlin - it's a hiking trail as far as I know. Never done it.
  9. If it is a hot day, hike up Oneonta Gorge. Really, really, really cool. You'll probably have to carry him a little bit to get to the falls though. You wade up the gorge through a narrow slot canyon, crossing a couple of log jams along the way, and then you end up INSIDE this huge punchbowl with the falls crashing down right in front of you from about 50ft up. Spectacular.
  10. I think you are wrong. Sure is NODDER. The UW has had two bloom in captivity. Only about 8 have ever bloomed in captivity.
  11. Well unless the plants are transpiring for a longer period/day (during the dark) which isn't likely, then yes, rate is corollated to total amount. I use CO2 in my greenhouse. Check out the bud on my Maui Wowie:
  12. Shoot. I was a bit busy last night, but I'll try to do that tonight. Not much snow left up there.
  13. Good point Dru, but not apt in this case. This: says that the total amount of water-bourne nutrients taken up by the plant decreases by 23% in high CO2 atmosphere.
  14. HERE is a free web-hosting photo site.
  15. I wondered about that. I also wondered if she was related to MVS?
  16. I don't even get the red X boxes. I can't see the Bugaboos pictures either.
  17. REI sells some self-adhesive nylon repair tape in a few different colors. It works very well... almost as well as duct tape.
  18. I've got a picture or two snapped from the Hwy from about 10 days ago. I'll see if I can find and post em when I get home. Looked good though!
  19. Damn Ross, I'm salivating here and getting a little frustrated. GET THOSE PICTURES UP!!! I think you have worn out your welcome wherever you posted those pics, so you should put them in the cc.com gallery.
  20. I hope I can casually rattle off a line like that someday. Cool pics Ken. It doesn't look too interesting from a climbing perspective, but very interesting to see some unique views of an exotic mountain. Lookin' forward to your pics from Mt. Kenya!
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