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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. got you hooked on that Valarian root, eh? Ya'll otter try: THIS.
  2. I think it was the Rafael one? "Splittersville" "Living the Dream" pitch Random Patagonia pron:
  3. I just rented an economy car for this weekend (three days) for $65 ($12/day plus taxes/fees/hooker-appreciate-charge and all that shit). That was with Priceline. Best price I found elsewhere was $75 on the Alamo website. (Alpinfox and ) - $65 = in Vegas.
  4. Giant squid are passe, it's all about TINY FISH these days.
  5. Shure E2C for $65 Wireless iPod headphones $35
  6. BUMP! Anybody got a set of mtn bike wheels with slick tires? How about a rear fender? If anybody would like a POS Peugot road bike that needs a new rear tire/tube and a front brake adjustment. I've got one. FREE!
  7. The fact that the BD half dome cracks under flexion and is a lightweight, non-durable helmet shouldn't be any surprise to you. I've seen that fact mentioned in every review I've ever read about the helmet. It's also immediately obvious when handling the helmet. Caveat Emptor? How about a little personal responsibility? You got your money back for returning a heavily used helmet. I don't think you should be complaining (except maybe to BD for making a flimsy helmet in the first place). True, the REI staff is not as knowledgable as folks at FF or PMS. So what? It's a good place to buy stuff becuase they have just about everything and their return policy, as you demonstrated here, is awesome. In short, CLIMB YOUR SIXTY METERS AND SHUT THE FUCK UP! Nice climbing on three fingers by the way.
  8. Alpinfox


    Finally! I don't have to read Olyclimber's PMs anymore!
  9. Alpinfox


    Got it. Thanks.
  10. Hopefully your size? Size 8, 9, or 10 Intuition liners $30.
  11. Holy shit! Did anyone else see the topo to the West Face of Hozomeen embedded at the 3:09 point! Wish I knew how to take a screen shot. IT'S IN THERE!
  12. It's all been done. No FAs left. This state is all climbed out. Better stay home and alphabetize your porn collection.
  13. JEEZUS! Better be "avalanche aware" while hanging out at home with the family this weekend!
  14. Pffftttt.... I would need a bike first. ... WHICH REMINDS ME...
  15. SAVE AN EXTRA 20% ON ONE ITEM* AT REI-OUTLET USE COUPON CODE: GM224 Remember you can get any item delivered to the store nearest you for free. 20% off REI.com coupon MEMB26
  16. YEAH! I KNEW THE GUY THAT SUBMITTED THAT! HE WAS A GOOD FRIEND OF MY GOOD FRIEND OF MY GOOD FRIEND WHO KNEW THAT GUY! OMG! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW FUNNY THAT IS! HILARIOIUS! AND ORIGINAL! edit: Hey, would you like to buy some Cialis? I've got some other Spam you might be interested in too! PM me for details!
  17. Intuition liners are supposed to be the lightest AND warmest things you can put on your feet. Get some lightweight plastic shells and you are set. I've heard good things about the Lowa Civetta as a lightweight plastic shell that climbs well. Never worn them personally though. I've seen several pair at Second Ascent here in Seattle. You could check Next Adventure down in PDX (that's where you are from right?). What sort of rehab are you doing for the piggies? Circulating hot water baths?
  18. Larches are deciduous "evergreen" trees whose needles turn a brilliant yellow for about two weeks in the autumn before falling off for the winter. I don't know about Whitney, but Forbidden definitely gets climbed in the late fall though if you do the WR the approach gully would be melted out and a bit more difficult that time of year. The ER is quite popular and good too.
  19. I can't think of very many good alpine snow/ice options in Sept/Oct. But there is plenty of great rock. Tetons in early Sept aren't usually too cold. Alpine Rock. Climb The Grand if you haven't already. It's..... grand. Maybe Wind River Range for more alpine rock? I dunno about the season. I've never been there. But it looks like a great place to spend a week or two. City of Rocks, Moab, Indian Creek. Craggin' rock. Lots of stuff in the Cascades and Sierra, though by October you'll probably get some occasional snow flurries. The larch season (usually mid October) in the North Cascades/Enchantments is pretty special.
  20. Ski Goggles 40-60% off @ Overstock.com http://www.overstock.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi?PAGE=CATLIST&pro_sub_cat=447&pro_ssub_cat=1527 If you spend more than $45, you can use coupon code 78674 to save an additional 10%.
  21. I haven't done any calculations, but I doubt the force of a factor ~0.4 fall (after friction on top biner is taken into account) will exceed the weight of the hanging belayer, therefore the upward-oriented piece will see 0kN.
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