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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. OK, so I got myself a mountain bike. Now I need a couple things to make it a commuter. I need a rear fender and a set of wheels (26" X 1.5") with slick tires. Let me know if you've got something sitting in the garage that might work for me. Cheers, -Pax alpinfox AT yahoo DOT com
  2. Thanks! I thought this picture deserved to be viewed full size:
  3. Yikes. I would not want to rap that route. Kinda sparse in the anchor department eh? Glad you made it down, but it sure seems like it would have been easier to go to the top and then rap the south face or down one of the western gullies.
  4. While yer gettin' Dru's squid, keep an eye out for that expensive fossilized whale stomach mucus on the beach for me. I could really use me sum o' dat! p.s. Nice pictures. The non-rounded sections of that rock remind me a bit of Ex32-38.
  5. How's that thermogenesis training coming along Dru?
  6. Good job not letting the lack of partner's slow you down. Nice TR Drool... er Dru.
  7. Oilyclimber doesn't actually climb... mountains...as such. Sloan and Glacier are in the background. Mt. Fernow? Mt. Adams?
  8. Via feratta in Washington:
  9. You are going to get the DNR and some state agency rep to meet at a bar?
  10. Would the meeting be in Index? I'd come if it were in Seattle.
  11. I saw Colin do that once on Nanga Parbat, but he had Tomaz Humar on his back.
  12. Glacier comes out of hiding with a good one!
  13. Maybe we can get together and rent one of these for a day: er... Edit: I doubt making a road a few hundred feet shorter is going to start a war between user's groups.
  14. Jesse, I think the "don't throw objects off cliff - climbers below" signs are a very good idea and might even work. This is the sort of thing that the WCC (Washington Climber's Coallition) could/should probably help out with. WCC website edit: So who is the land manager for the UTW? I assume that's part of the state park?
  15. Scary stuff. Several crevasse falls and a speed descent? Ya'll sound accident prone. Conditions - North faces of tall mountains don't get a whole lot of freeze/thaw this time of year. Nice pictures and story. Glad Nick is part cat. ... and let me be the first to say, "BOOOTY!" So about that booty - you might consider posting something in the Lost and Found forum about it. Maybe some hiker will come across it in the spring. Did you mean "PRICE" lake?
  16. Sniff Sniff.... What's that smell?
  17. Who is "WE"? Were you accompanied by ChuckNorris, TheNodder, CobraCommander, or... GASP.... Dr_Flash_Amazing?
  18. Alpinfox


    ...and its a doozy: Bush Explains Medicare Drug Bill -- Verbatim Quote Submitted on 2005-12-13 16:35:14 WOMAN IN AUDIENCE: 'I don't really understand. How is it the new plan going to fix the problem?' Verbatim response (PRESIDENT BUSH): 'Because the -- all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculated, for example, is on the table. Whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those -- changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be -- or closer delivered to that has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the -- like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate -- the benefits will rise based upon inflation, supposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those -- if that growth is affected, it will help on the red.'
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