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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Shhhh.... He's shy. But yes, he is an excellent mentor. Taught me most of what I know too.
  2. Yeah! I wanna do that one. You wanna hit it up dis weekend Erik? South Buttress and Cave Route look fun too. I've never been to the Marsupial Crags.
  3. I saw this on Discovery Channel several weeks ago. It is quite gruesome. Homeboy's calf gets ripped off and the skin just kinda hangs there... icky. On a similar note, there used to be a picture in the gallery of a human body that had been eaten by a bear. Can't find it now, so maybe someone removed it?
  4. CB, I think the one you edited looks a little washed out. I like the darker tones of the original, but you did an excellent job of removing the tip of my kayak. The water looks very natural. Please tell me how you did that.
  5. He had his name duct-taped to his hat and you erased it? Nope. Here is the original... See the difference? I thought the Orca just distracted from the scene, so I deleted it. Bottom right. The date was probably accidentally left on so you deleted it. Stamp tool. Actually it was the tip of my kayak.
  6. Any of your Oregonites been up Black Butte recently? The older fire lookout tower fell down in a big storm the winter before last. Quite a mess up there.
  7. Mr. A.S. paddling near Deception Pass We climb sometimes too...
  8. p.s. Can you spot the photoshop-edited spot in the picture above?
  9. I climbed into and out of a kayak a few times. One of my climbing partners (pictured below) and I and the UW Kayak Club did a mellow tour around the Deception Pass area. We and and went paddling in the dark and tripped out on the bioluminescence. It was so intense! No moon, very little light pollution, calm water! WOW! Very
  10. Cosmos (10a) Screaming Yellow Zonkers (10b) Phoenix (10a) BBQ The Pope (10b+) Zebra Direct (11a) Moonshine Dihedral (9) Teddy Bear's Picnic (10a, I like first 3p) Irreverence (10a) Revelations (9) Blue Light Special (11a) Spiderman (5.7, 3p) Many of the sport routes in the main gorge at Smith have the crux right off the ground. For this reason, many people bring a stick clip. Your call. Last time I was at Smith I talked to a guy about a multi-pitch sport route 5.8/9 called "wherever I may roam" or something like that. Sounded cool. I'm going to look for it next weekend. Anyone know what I am talking about?
  11. I'm glad that when I climbed Frostbite ridge I descended the Sitkum route. It was great to "tour the mountain", but if I climb Glacier Peak half a dozen more times in my life, I don't think any of those times will be via the Sitkum Glacier route. The approach to FR was one of the most scenic hikes I've been on (top 5 I'd say) with incredible wild flowers, mountain vistas, babbling brooks, the full deal. The climb itself was straightforward, highly enjoyable, and also very scenic. In comparison, I thought the descent down the Sitkum Glacier/Glacier Mdws trail was uncomfortably steep, long, not as many flowers (more forest/less meadow), more people, and less impressive views. Some of those little cascade/waterfalls above Glacier Mdws were cool though. Wouldn't Baker, Rainier, or Adams be better skiing objectives this time of year? on getting out and doing what you love to do, even if you have to work hard for it.
  12. It seems to me that for skiing, and in every other way, Frostbite ridge would be a far superior choice over the Sitkum Glacier rte. Easier route (physically), more scenic, less scree, less people, more snow, etc. I suppose it does have that wee steep icy/snow section, but it's not difficult. Don't know what it's like this late in the season though...
  13. The Direct East Buttress on SEWS is a great example of this, and I think it works well. The route is 5.9 with the exception of two 5.11- sections which have bolt ladders. Most folks free climb the 5.11- sections, but I think it's cool that a 5.9 climber can do the route too. It's such a spectacular climb! I heard some big-name climber talking about route development and he said something like, "avoid the temptation to 'clean' a line to make it climbable by you; it would be a shame to destroy tomorrow's 5.15 to make another 5.12c". The thing about bolt ladders is that they are optional; climb them free if you can, aid em if you can't. Of course, bolts are kinda ugly too, so it's a complicated issue. (aesthetics vs. equal-opportunity) No answers here Regarding question #1:
  14. Serial? What do you mean? Wow. May. I don't even remember writing this... Must be the & . Please refrain from reviving old threads; they confuse me.
  15. Alpinfox


    look in the faq http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/faq_english.php?Cat=#image
  16. Hands! Because it feels the best. I'm getting to like fingerlocks more than I used to, but still dig them handjams the most. I even like it better than sea kayaking, although that is what I'm doing this weekend. ( Erik) Let's Talk Hand Cracks
  17. wrestlers also sometimes wear trash bags underneath sweat suits and work out right before "weigh-in" to drop "water weight". You can imagine how healthful a practice that is... I climb at Stoned Gardens during the winter. I find that climbing (even when its on plastic) is one of the few forms of exercise that I really enjoy and therefore one that is easy for me to stick with. Damn. I ended a sentence with a preposition. There are other nice forms of exercise too: , , <- he looks like he is lifting a medicine ball
  18. I have no idea. I just poached that picture off the web. Is Granite Peak a worthwhile climb?
  19. If you are trying to get to Melakwa lakes from source lake, just go over Pineapple Pass (S. of Da Toof) and drop down the west side to the Denny Creek Trail at Hemlock Pass. Should be pretty easy and not too much shwackin'.
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