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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. though you could make a case for Dr. Flash.
  2. Jesus! Remember to zip up your tents tonight!
  3. Aha... Well thanks for clearing that up. Let's hear your TR! Perhaps you have been here as well?:
  4. It's Rainier, not "Rainer". I don't think Gannet Peak, WY and Granite Peak, MT are cakewalks. I agree with your point though. It's rather silly to take some kind of pride in "summiting" the highest point in Florida, Delaware, Maryland, etc.... I used to live in Colorado and got really sick of the "Fourteeners" craze. One good thing is that most people ignore all the really cool 13ers such as Dallas Peak, Vestal, Arrow, etc.... Most of the 14ers aren't very interesting. Check out this site for a list of the 50 state highpoints: http://americasroof.com/usa.shtml Interesting that Britton Hill, FL is "less difficult" than Ebright Azimuth, DL although both require 0 miles of "hiking". Wouldn't it be interesting to read a trip report for this one: "Well, me and Cletus, we got ourselves a coupla twelvers and decided to drive on out past Deke's place to the highest point in Oklahoma. Sure was a heluva long way out there and we weren't quite sure if we found the right place, but then we saw this here statue-thing. We had a few more beers and pissed on the fancy rock and shot a few varmits... It's a good ole time boy!"
  5. Who fondled your rack this time? I was sea kayaking in Johnstone Strait on the NE coast of Vancouver Island. Good times.... Good times... Saw Orcas (far away) and thought about climbing.
  6. Alpinfox

    Top 3

    Wow, you guys/gals are awesome! It's hard to narrow it down, but being unemployed all summer and spending a total of about 6 days out of 7 weeks in Seattle rocked. Here is my summer: April: Cragging in Red Rocks with newbie climber freinds, Cat in Hat, Frogland, Presents of Mind (my first 5.12) May: Shuksan, North Face Orbit, Snow Creek Wall Da Toof (girlfriend's first trad lead) June: Outer Space, Snow Creek Wall, Orbit, Snow Creek Wall, (again) Rainier, Liberty Ridge (DIDN'T DIE! my number one accomplishment of the summer ) Cragging in Squamish three days (Diedre for the third time ) Cragging in Leavenworth for four days, Givler's Crack July: Guiding newbies up Mt. Olympus (blue glacier) Solo traverse of Denny Creek Ridge (Freedom! Ecstacy! ) Cragging in Darrington (two days) Direct East Buttress on SEWS ( !!!!) SW Rib of SEWS Black Peak, NE ridge (solo) Liberty Bell, NW corner Glacier Peak, Frostbite Ridge, (most scenic climb of the year ) August: Index cragging (Breakfast of Champions, Godzilla, Princely, etc.) Mt. Triumph, NE ridge Smith Rock cragging, three days (Moonshine Dihedral ) Eldorado, East Ridge Darrington cragging, Safe Sex , West Butt Blueberry, September: NW corner on NEWS Southwest face on Kangaroo Temple "WA Pass WOO-HOO" party My first pub club Kayaking with Orcas in Johnstone Strait, Vancouver Island (just got back ) Some items on the list if the weather allows: SF Prusik N. ridge Stuart NE butt. Slesse (probably too late) More Index cragging! Sorry if I got carried away. Anybody wanna go climbing?
  7. Alpinfox

    die fucker

    I'm not trying to justify their actions, I'm justifying their feelings. Killing people is wrong no matter what color uniform you wear. I think that instead of disregarding Al Queda and other groups as crazy, demonic, "terrorists", it may be more illuminating to appreciate that they are real people with legitimate reasons for being angry at the US. Sphinx, I don't think I "ignore the poverty and disease" in the world any more than any other American. I like to think that by at least being aware of it, I'm ahead of the game. I would like to do more, any suggestions? Lummox, You're right that those countries aren't third world, though I think many of the citizens of those countries live as if they were in the third world. It's not really an essential element of my argument anyway. The central idea is that they value their culture and wish it to continue and they object to the "McDonaldization" of it. Spray is Fun! Cheers Ya'll.
  8. Ahoy! There's one now! unfortunately no hottie roommates on this trip. It's w/ the UW kayak club, and there are a couple chicas coming along, so maybe one a dem will be a hottie. :fingerscrossed:
  9. I'm heading out for a 5-day sea kayaking trip on the East side of Vancouver Island tomorrow. First non-climbing trip this year! : pre-chestbeat: : pre-chestbeat: Maybe I'll spot a baby orca!
  10. The left lane is for passing . It's not for driving the speed limit.... it's for PASSING. If you ain't PASSIN' and there is space to your right, get over. Don't matter if yer doin' a 100mph. Now everybody, say it together one time: "The left lane is for ________________"
  11. Alpinfox

    die fucker

    And the stated intention of the American government is to kill members of Al Queda while conducting a "war on terror" and "winning the battle for peace" and other nonsense. They want to maintain the status quo in which the first world exploits the third world to maintain our decadence. If I were in the third world and saw my culture/religion being overrun by consumerism, I'd be pissed too. They feel threatened and don't have the power/tools to fight back so they resort to guerilla tactics like terrorism. That's what the underdog always does.
  12. Cyclists often block cars from making right on red turns as well.
  13. cinammon slab, smith rocks, 5.7? It's a great first trad lead. Consistent ramp for feet in a left facing corner. Takes gear like mad. You might also check out this Thread
  14. Here is an exercise that might work for you:
  15. Alpinfox

    die fucker

    Just take a deep breath and watch some of these images for a while Mr. Lummox... I hope they calm you down. For everyone else, please write your congressmen/women and ask them to oppose George Bush's new anti-terrorism legislation . He wants to deny bail to "suspected terrorists" (aka anyone), expand the death penalty, and allow search/seizure without warrants in "suspected terror cases" (aka anytime). This "Patriot Act II" further erodes American civil liberties and freedoms. Don't let it happen.
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