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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. Wow! I love how sharp Slesse [edit: or whatever that mtn is] looks in this photo! Someone tell me what it is please.
  2. Alpinfox

    Sisu & Roy

    Tigers: 2 Humans: 0 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,99142,00.html
  3. I'll trade you a new one for my old one.
  4. Thanks Timm@y! Your "morning-after" photo is from Sunday morning, not Saturday morning. I posted some pictures in the original thread.
  5. Thanks to Timm@y and Becky for hostin' the plabin'! Thanks to Steve and Jlag and UncleTricky for ! Thanks to AlpineK for wood. Thanks to everyone else who contributed time, energy, and finances. Thanks to all you PLABBERS for being so PLAB. I had a great time ropegunning for a bunch of fab plab folks. It was great to put some faces with some names. I even SENT that big juniper tree by the fire! (IV, BW2, contact me for topo) Where is the PLAB?!?? Plab Folks: More Plab Folks: Can you feel the love? Sleeping in the dirt is fun. Here is my wake-up view:
  6. Arnold apparently once said he admired Hitler. http://slate.msn.com/id/2086742/ Discuss...
  7. Jim, What organization do you teach kids through? I'm interested in doing some volunteering teaching kids to climb/enjoy the outdoors, etc.
  8. Ah... I just checked. 24K gain and 24K loss. or if you don't like calling it "gain" and "loss" you can call it "ascended" and "descended" This map doesn't show the route starting/ending at the same elevation.
  9. It's a loop, you start and end at the same place (at least that's what I was assuming.) Therefore, 12K gain 12K loss.
  10. And if any of you were wondering what the hell he is talking about:
  11. Oh yeah, my asics didn't stink too bad either which is pretty unusual for me. My rock shoes are another story. : PinchingNoseGremlin:
  12. thats the ones i have!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr and watch out for the cloth strap thingy getting caught on roots and the such!!! it will get abraided quick i found! Bummer. I just bought a pair of those. I had a pair of Asics Gel Trabuco that I ran/hiked/approached/climbed in for two years including 200 miles on the PCT last summer. They held up very well I thought. That's why I went with Asics again. Fortunately my sister got me a sweet bro-deal (sis-deal?) on them...
  13. A previous discussion of the sandbag phenomenon To quote Erik: "Yose and Index are on par, the rest is just practice"
  14. People should post pictures even if they choose to not let the rest of us know what the location/subject/etc is. The photos are probably my favorite part of this website. However, I would PREFER if people included location/date/other relevant info.
  15. I like it when people say when and where the pictures were taken and what the subject is. For curiosity's sake, but also for research purposes. Looking at your (Cavey's) picture of NF of Buckner next year might give someone an idea of what to expect in late season (assuming similar snowfall yadda yadda yadda)... I think people often fail to include this info because, 1. they are lazy, 2. they enjoy other people guessing what the pictures are (a form of chestbeating?), 3. they don't know. The last one is the only reasonable excuse in my opinion, though I might be guilty of number 1 on occasion.
  16. Yes, it is formal. A photo from last year's rope-up:
  17. Sisu, Did people complain to you about the photo being posted here? It certainly disturbed me, but I thought it was an "interesting" thing to see. It illustrated, in dramatic fashion, the fact that we human beings are regular animals made of meat. Did you personally take that picture? Do you know if that person was killed by the bear or the bear just fed on the corpse?
  18. Alpinfox


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