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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. If I were feeling more energetic, my response to this post would be to photochop the gollum picture and paste Erik's mug on there.... Anyone else wanna adopt the project? SEND SEND SEND!!!
  2. OH LOOK! More evidence that I am funny:
  3. The most under-appreciated pic from the thread: caption: "Don't laugh at these guys, they are takin' da skills to da hillz". I am so goddamned funny.
  4. He will be gone soon. As popes go, he's been a good one. Bye Karol!
  5. Hey Cracked, I guess this thread is also a bit about ME!!!
  6. Yeah, that's my favorite from that whole trip.
  7. The cam was overcamed and one lobe was flipped over. I had to work some Chimpanzee Voodoo magic on it to get it out. It's in surprisingly good shape though, must not have been there for long.
  8. no shite! 80some posts about cracked? cripes and i thought i had no life! It weren't all about Cracked. Some of it was about Trogdor and some of it was about Chimpanzees and some of it was about dictionaries and some of it was about how most people on this site seem to think that Beck is a wanker and some of it was even about CLIMBING! ...at least it was mentioned anyway. I went climbing today! Yeah me. I led the route Goran Kropf died on. It's pretty easy, but the cams do seem a bit sketchy in it. I scored a booty cam on it! Yeah me again. End of TR.
  10. chim·pan·zee ( P ) Pronunciation Key (chmpn-z, -pn-, chm-pnz) n. A gregarious anthropoid ape ( Pan troglodytes ) of tropical Africa, having long dark hair and somewhat arboreal habits and exhibiting humanlike behavior and a high degree of intelligence . It is now considered vulnerable to extinction in the wild. Well, look at me! I'm a frickin' genius!
  11. What's with the "fabulous" thing though?
  12. I don't see an orange pack. Is there another picture somewhere? EDIT: Oh, THAT orange pack...
  13. huh? True it's not a flattering picture since he is weighting the rope, but so what. He was out there gettin' his groove on and I salute him for it. To Cracked: <--- That's cola, not beer (for a couple more years eh)
  14. Any of you gearheads used one of these? I'd be interested in hearing your critique.
  15. does that make you a troglodyte? From dictionary.com trog·lo·dyte ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trgl-dt) n. A member of a fabulous [huh?] or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes. A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish. An anthropoid ape, such as a gorilla or chimpanzee . [that's me] An animal that lives underground, as an ant or a worm. Note: I knew what "troglodyte" meant, I just like to look words up sometimes.
  16. or if you aren't careful you MIGHT trip over a stalagMITE. -from my days as a tour guide in a cave.
  17. Alpinfox

    I fucking hate

    Hey E-rock, I got a sick builderin' proj for ya. This employee at Trader Joe's (in the U-District) showed it to me. By the front door, climb the brick pillar (~15ft), traverse out to the awning edge on the metal beam, mantle over the edge (crux), easy walk off the back side. It's, like, totally rad yo. ...actually I haven't done it, BUT IT LOOKS COOL! You got it bro! SEND SEND SEND!!!
  18. Damn... well I'll keep my eye on the Yard Sale forum then...
  19. Where is dat pic taken? Me want top-rope ice! Where can I get me sum a dem stylish pantaloons?
  20. OOhh!! UUhhh! Thank you for allow chimpanzee to post on human website.
  21. Here is a good one (see attached)
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