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Everything posted by Alpinfox

  1. I don't know who that could have been. I'm sure it won't happen this year.
  2. Yeah, but you have to eat "Biftek", Poutine, and weird shit like that. So, regarding the original question, do you want to rock climb or snow slog or what? And your avatar image sux.
  3. Did anyone climb anything in Lillooet this past weekend?
  4. Is the site down or have I been banninated?
  5. Saturday: Said goodbye to Ken. Sunday: Football.
  6. Alpinfox

    Bye Ken!

    As some of you may know, Ken4ord will be leaving tomorrow morning for Ruwanda. On Saturday night lots of folks gathered on Capitol Hill for one last chance to drink and make merry with Ken before his departure. Ken, you've been a great climbing partner and a great friend and you'll be missed. I hope I will be able to meet up with you in Africa or Europe sometime soon. Keep in touch!
  7. Not sure what you're trying to express on that one. Running that through the Glasgowkiss translat-o-matic reveals:
  8. We checked out JLTR on Sunday and did a lot of scrambling up snow-covered talus and bashing through devil's club and alder. We got all the way into the back of the gully and then it started raining, but we never found any ice worth breaking out the rope for.
  9. Yes, I'm pretty sure we climbed the blue line. In other news, I heard recently that "Jah Loveth the Leftists" recieved another ascent on Saturday (the day after we climbed it). Apparently the climbers were headed to "Jah Loveth the Righteous" but followed our tracks to the obvious ice.
  10. Mitchner books fit the bill perfectly. I read "Alaska" while tent-bound in Alaska this past summer. When I was halfway through it's 1000 page girth, I tore it in half and gave the front half to my poor partner who had only brought a measley 200 page tome. Hands?
  11. Coleman two-burner Lots of candy (mike&ikes are good!, hard candies) Weed Liquor music crazy creek chair me! waterproof duffle or a tarp for covering all your schtuff outside the tent sense of humor handiwipes books (novels and activity books like crosswords) camera with lots of film/digi memory/batteries powdered miso soup from trader joes portable music with little external speakers (sound sux, but ) laptop with cellular/satellite internet for remote spraying satellite phone lots of maps ("what's that peak way over there?")
  12. GW: "If you wanna be my new surgeon general, you gotta check out this turkey bite I got last thanksgivin'." Last Thanksgiving:
  13. When you mail back those business reply envelopes, write "please remove my name + address from your mailing list" next to your name on the inside portion. I believe they are legally required to comply. I've thought of making a sticker that says just that. If you haven't signed up for the "Do Not Call" list yet, you should do so. The number of telephone solicitors calling my house went from a couple/day to zero. Charities and political organizations can still call.
  14. But in a 21 minute speech, he managed to squeeze in 25 "Freedoms" and 17 "Liberties"! Thanks John Stewart.
  15. Is this Beal Joker a single rope? (edit: Yup, it's a single). If so, that is the thinnest, lightest single I've heard of, the previous winner being the Mammut Evolution 9.2mm. I like single lines for rock climbing and twin or half ropes for ice (though I haven't done much ice). A lot of people (the Euros) like half ropes for rock.
  16. Sobo, Thanks for the explanation. While I'm familiar with the concept, I just wasn't familiar with the term "focused". Kevin, My interpretation of the information presented is that the rope was not attached to the anchor, so I wouldn't say she "had everything setup correctly". I can't imagine how one could have a sling on the anchor and a locked biner on the rope but NOT through the anchored sling, but that is apparently what happened. Maybe when/if the climber recovers, she will remember something about the anchor setup. A good pre-rappel ritual that may have prevented this accident is to weight the rappel rope while your daisy (or whatver you use to connect yourself to the anchor) is still attached. When ice climbing, bulky clothing and snow can obscure your view of anchors/rope systems, so be extra careful.
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