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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Bug

    Photoboard redundancy

    Cmon you guys. This is spray not the Opra board. Be dickheads.
  2. Bug

    Friedman on America

    Nuclear waste is about to seep into the Columbia. There is no way to clean it up in the forseeable future.
  3. Bug


    I won't ask how you know that.
  4. Politics Chicago style. Everybody has something on everybody else. It makes the beltway look like a bridge club. Not even our savior of change can be totally clean to have risen out of that morass. As I have ALWAYS said, anybody who wants the job (president) should be automatically disqualified. But that is thread drift. They do not need to impeach him. When he is convicted they will have had to take no chances at being the hatchet man. He will fight "to his last breath" means he has a judge in his hip pocket. But at this point, he better have a stranglehold on the judge and all the judge's children or he will have to stand on his own merits. Not much there. He will plead out and be commuted. In a few weeks, this will be old news and Bagobitch will be in Florida plotting his comeback.
  5. Bug


    Erectile Disfunction comes next.
  6. Even my wife warned me about avy danger this morning.
  7. I'll take a bunch of short kbs. olimerkei at yahoo dot com or PM me
  8. Went up to Franklin Falls (Exit 47) yesterday. It was not formed but the walls around it were in nicely. We set up a yoyo and did a variety of stuff. The avy danger there is small to none unless you go way left. But then you are too close to the highway and your biggest problem would be the plowed snow falling from 180 ft above. The slabs were kind of thin and there were some chandeliers but there were also a couple green columns.
  9. Bug

    S.U.V. R.I.P.

    I gave in when I went into a podiatrist to see what was wrong with my feet. He smiled and said, "Let's have a look at your xrays." As I was protesting that I had not had any xrays, he walked over to his file cabinet and pulled out xrays of my father's feet. He thought that was pretty funny. For me it seemed like a curse. But now I pay attention to my father's complaints and respond proactively. I have a 27 year jump on what ails me.
  10. Bug

    S.U.V. R.I.P.

    See how he changes the subject and subjugates the thread by using the ultimate force in the universe? OK fine. Merry Christmas Tvash! And to all a good night!
  11. I tried water. I tried snow. I tried incantations from Alaska. But my ex-wife is still there. Damn those jeep cherokees.
  12. Bug

    Season's Greetings

    I would get excited if they were real.
  13. This thread is going to give spray a bad reputation. So I counter Bill's assertion that Nazi hunting is passe. I say hunt the bastards down until we know they, and more importantly, everyone with a number tattooed on their forearm, has died. When the symbolism no longer resonates we are ready for another world war.
  14. Bug

    S.U.V. R.I.P.

    Enter Tvash to discount all that you just said as Northern California, Vedic bullshit. But you have discovered the value of Mythology. Whether you beleive in God or not, the stories you recount have something to teach us. Something that does not remain static any more than a Shakespear play was written for one king in one time. And now, we hear from Tvash who will demand that we talk in his terms or be guilty of avoiding the issue.
  15. Bug

    this s ucks...

    Bummer. I hope you heal quickly.
  16. Evolution of Santa Clause. Another western mythology.
  17. Bug


    I got Meth Lab Jr in Arlington on sale. The Line-o-Coke was more expensive. I had to go to Bellevue Square.
  18. Bug

    S.U.V. R.I.P.

    Squirm in Hell. We have yet to see their true legacy.
  19. Bug

    Pope Benedict is Gay

    This only proves that he lives in Italy.
  20. Bug

    Legacy Review

    Having worked with several Senators and congresspeople, I don't think most of them are "good" or "honest". I think the voters have failed to go beyond the soundbite to get to the heart of the issues. This results in election by marketing vs election by informed voters. What we get has very little to do with what we thought we were voting for. In short, we need to constantly write our congress people to pass real Campaign Finance reform laws, Lobbying LAWS, and hold each other accountable rather than cover each others butts.
  21. Bug


    Any female types out there want to comment on which religion is best represented here?
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