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Everything posted by tomtom

  1. tomtom


    How do ya figure? Most unions claim a right of exclusivity. The union has the authority to determine who may be a member of the union and who may not. Most unions assert a right to mandate that only its members, and no others, may be permitted to work at certain jobs. Furthermore, the union contract is exclusive with regard to the employer, an employer is generally not permitted to seek out the services of another labor union or hire another competing labor union even if he is dissatisfied with the performance of the current labor union. This doesn't sound very democratic.
  2. tomtom


    Because the Communist Party is effectively the union of the workers.
  3. tomtom


    There's nothing democratic about unions.
  4. tomtom


    The Communist Party is the People`s Party.
  5. tomtom


    The Communist Party is just one big union.
  6. There are quite a few other elements of the real estate business that need to be cleaned up so that market participants have accurate information. The buying/selling, and appraisal processes are especially flawed and rife with massive conflicts of interest, but thats another topic. Ka-ching! The New York attorney general accused an appraisal company yesterday of inflating the value of homes under pressure from Washington Mutual, one of the nation’s largest mortgage lenders. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/02/business/02appraise.html?_r=1&ref=business&oref=slogin
  7. It's neat to see a trend in which medical professionals rely on ad hominem arguments when debating healthcare issues. The original question was whether fish oil supplements were effective or a waste of money. Is there any 'black and white' evidence that fish oil supplements fights cancer, fights brain disease, fights heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, improves glucose tolerance and fights diabetes? I believe some folks call it evidence-based medicine.
  8. The two wealthiest folks in the US are Gates and Buffett. I guess it makes sense to you for the Fed Govt to tax the crap out of them to continue fund the war in Iraq versus their plan of tackling Global Health and Education issues through the Gates Foundation. Oh, and which relative gave them their wealth?
  9. What's with all the cords? COTTON KILLS!
  10. Ummm, but earlier you wrote: These are a lot of definitive claims for something you claim as hard to study.
  11. Hey, at least they're not made in China.
  12. nice catch! The irony is so perfect it makes me wonder if this "letter" is in fact a troll (better check snopes.com) http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/myview/story/191803.html He's also a writer for the local alt paper. Not to mention movie critic.
  13. Will you take a road bike frame as a trade?
  14. I believe the more appropriate phrase for this discussion would be "carbon assprint".
  15. They're already advertising on cc.com. How much lower can they get?
  16. Curious to see your rack, since you exclude products by Petzl Charlet-Moser Grivel Mammut Trango (cams and nuts made in the Czech Republic) Wild Country DMM Beal Camp Edelrid On Sight Arcteryx (those Canadians are pretty sketchy, though) and others.
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