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Everything posted by tomtom

  1. A quick google of "rainer ossman" will locate a number of news articles. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2004293972_hiker20m.html
  2. tomtom


    I have a pretty little pic of you and was yanking off to it..... TMI
  3. as if we didn't know you'd vote for Iosif Vissarionovich, if you could. as if we didn't know he'd vote for Hu Jintao, if he could.
  4. j-b is correct. We need to quit this 'free market' farce and give Bush *complete* control over the economy. Let the gov't take care of it.
  5. tomtom


    I know a number of Chinese folks who don't suck.
  6. "Golly gee, if only we had known something like this could happen when we were clamoring to deregulate the financial services industry!" Wash hands, a few bad apples, business as usual. BTW, I'm under no illusion that what is playing out here is any serious collapse (in the short term), if for no other reason than that the State has proven so willing and adept at managing increasingly frequent, if less destructive, capitalist crises and bailing out individual firms when the "free-market" inevitably shits the bed. When did this "de-regulation" that you speak of occur? Clinton probably kicked this off through his initative to increase home ownership in 1994. Instead of trying to make housing cheaper, however, he decided to loosen the rules on mortgages. Making homeownership more attainable became a goal early in the administration. In late 1994, President Clinton set as a national goal to raise the homeownership rate to 67.5 percent by the end of 2000. HUD used its oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to encourage those entities to reach out to low-income borrowers and areas underserved by the private market. Finally, a revitalized Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has substantially increased lending to African Americans, Hispanics, and other traditionally underserved groups and, in doing so, has worked to increase homeownership opportunities of these segments.
  7. So when do I get my check? I need to suck on the government teat for a while. In early May, the IRS will start sending out checks for your share of the $168 billion addition to the public debt.
  8. Ya. We can outsource our primary education to CrazyPolishTeacher.com and save $billions$.
  9. Take it to craigslist, will ya?
  10. Snow Peak is a Japanese company.
  11. tomtom

    Canada: Tax Haven.

    wrong, 14% doesn't even offset B/O tax in WA. plus you don't have stupid city tax. plus their L&I insurance is much lower. even with 5% in sales tax difference at least they have roads you can drive on in winter. what we get in return is jack and shit. not to mention better health care. So are you threatening to move to Canada?
  12. Call these guys for a little help: Stop Military Recruitment Now!
  13. Umm, yeah. We need to protect our right to this. http://www.alpinist.com/doc/web08s/wfeature-high-crimes-kodas Speaking of Lincoln, would he have supported a Chinese invasion of Taiwan the same way he supported an invasion of the South to reunite the country?
  14. tomtom

    FS: sold

    Looks like a good deal.
  15. What a crock of poo. So you are trying to tell us that the fact that she was galavanting around with movie stars, spending millions of her daddies $ on dresses, cars, boys, parties, and jumping i front of every camera with a "Hilton" sign on her, is personal fortitude? No. What I'm saying is that she is generating quite the revenue stream and doesn't necessarily have to live off her parent's inheritance in the future. Some kids live off their parents money while going to college to finally start earning $50k/yr. She took a little different path. I don't see much difference in her than the guys who get paid millons each summer to run around on grass in their pajamas chasing a little white ball.
  16. According to Forbes, Paris earned $6.5 million in '05 and $7 million in '06. The celebutante has amassed her personal fortune mainly through licensing deals. Her name is attached to a perfume, watches, nightclubs and a new videogame. She's also a reality TV fixture, B-list movie starlet and bestselling author. Call them her day jobs; at night Paris gets paid big bucks to show her face at of-the-minute clubs, commanding up to $300,000 per appearance abroad. She boasts the most Web hits of anyone else on the Forbes Celebrity 100, although she's also the only lister with her own highly publicized (and downloadable) porn tape. So, she's probably earned more money at this point than you will in your lifetime. Who's the deadbeat?
  17. On Jan 1, 2011 the exemption drops back down to $1 million. A paid off three bedroom house in Ballard and $600k in an IRA (which represents $24k in yearly income) puts you at the threshold. If you have to pay taxes using proceeds from the IRA, the withdrawl will also be taxed at your marginal rate.
  18. It's not out of line with the rest of the world, though. Also capital gains can be taxed at the marginal income rates. All distributions from Trad IRA's are taxed as income, whether the money is due to contributions, dividends, or cap gains.
  19. Yes, we've covered this before. The threshold for estate taxes is $2 million, and $4 million for a couple. In the vast majority of cases this is a capital gains tax on growth that has not been taxed. How many people save their paychecks and build up a $4 million estate? If your suggesting that the estate tax be capped at the lt cap gains rate (15%) and the stepped up cost basis be kept, then that's a bit more reasonable than the current system. Oh, hey. Found this cool chart.
  20. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080301/ap_on_re_us/deputy_dead Here are a few lyrics from the chorus of his song Fuck That Nigga I honestly don't know what to say, except condolences to the family and friends of the deputy.
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