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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. These pictures remind me of a joke... So John Kerry is walking by a supermarket one day, and sees a little girl with a box full of puppies... Not being one to miss chance at a photo op, he goes up to her... Kerry: "my, what cute puppies!" girl replies "Yes, and did you know, they are all democrats, every last one of them..." Kerry is loving this, next week, he grabs Ted Kennedy, saying "I gotta show you this!!" They arrive at the grocery store, same girl, same box of puppies... Kerry says "So, how are your puppies this week?" girl "well, they are extra cute this week, do you want one?", Kerry: "so, if your puppies could vote, who would they vote for?" (he elbows Kennedy, winking) girl: "well, these puppies are republican, so I guess that answers your question..." Kerry: (confused) "But just last week, you yourself told me they were democrats!" Girl: "yes, but this week their eyes are open...."
  2. icegirl


    Well, you might get less leg muscle development if you stuck to carrying just ONE pack
  3. lol
  4. icegirl

    New Car...

    Hah.. That is what I was hoping... Car! Carry my rope! Car! Shape of Ropegun! Stat!
  5. icegirl

    Iraq Anyone?

    The "special services" (healthcare workers, etc) draft was "approved" some time ago. Let's just hope things finish up before it is actually utilized.
  6. icegirl

    New Car...

    My thoughts exactly... Heck crossing the "ghost" and pulling your friends trucks out when they get stuck would be easier as well http://www.gravsports.com/Ghost%20Stories/ghost_stories_home.htm
  7. Who? Me? I don't have to google things like this, they just show up in my IM or email...
  8. Please post pictures of canmore PC so I may live vicariously... And some of the ice, too??? pretty pretty please
  9. icegirl

    New Car...

    http://uk.download.yahoo.com/ne/fu/oa/eurcncs185030.mpg Could be useful if it had any trunk space to carry gear...
  10. lucky monkey, link fixed
  11. noaa weather for methow... snow in forcast
  12. Nice pict layton, is that really you???
  13. -cruize's to the top...
  14. As far as an adze goes I hear that little smiley scar by your eyebrow helps pick up chicks in Lillooet
  15. icegirl

    Happy Happy Joy Joy

    I love my chalk bag! Happy belated b-day C
  16. "I'm sorry to tell you this, my dear, but I'm hung like a midget" ...that context?? don't get mad, I'm kiddin' wit ya...
  17. This whole thread is reminiscent of that Annabelle Bond thread... Wealthy woman, or Wealthy movie star, your reactions are all the same. Are we going to have a poll to see how far the illustrious cc.com members think he'll make it? Grow up. Tom Cruise has likely given more money to charity than probably the whole of cc.com spammers combined (sorry if I'm mistaken and there are some lurking philanthropists online) What's the big deal if he want's to take a cattle track up Everest. Heck for all we know, while he's there, he'll toss some money towards the clinics on the way up. Many of you are likely just jealous. Barkernews, post away.
  18. all of our safety skills would at very least cause CBS to postulate, if not frown and steaksauce(???) his head...
  19. I'd like an Audi TT, and/or a nice mini cooper...
  20. depends on where you sit.. I went to Tina Turner there a few years back, and sitting up in the seating area close to the stage rocked... I imagine way back it might not be as "cool" but they have lots of big screens so you can see it like a "live" music video (hey, Tina ROCKS, for those of you snickering in the background)
  21. all puppies have webbed feet... and closed eyes and ears... It's part of the first few week developement for them to grow out of their little swimmer stage... Then again, it could just be a local Seattle mutation of the boxer... webbed feet and monkey tails that can hold an umbrella
  22. hahahahah... hey now, she likes it that way... makes her feel "secure"...
  23. icegirl

    Hang Boards

    LOL! Layton, you are always good for a laugh
  24. icegirl

    Italian Style

    nice. or should the caption on that picture be... "make my day, punk"
  25. yes, but not being "against the law" hardly makes it consentual...
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