These pictures remind me of a joke...
So John Kerry is walking by a supermarket one day, and sees a little girl with a box full of puppies... Not being one to miss chance at a photo op, he goes up to her...
Kerry: "my, what cute puppies!"
girl replies "Yes, and did you know, they are all democrats, every last one of them..."
Kerry is loving this, next week, he grabs Ted Kennedy, saying "I gotta show you this!!"
They arrive at the grocery store, same girl, same box of puppies...
Kerry says "So, how are your puppies this week?"
girl "well, they are extra cute this week, do you want one?",
Kerry: "so, if your puppies could vote, who would they vote for?" (he elbows Kennedy, winking)
girl: "well, these puppies are republican, so I guess that answers your question..."
Kerry: (confused) "But just last week, you yourself told me they were democrats!"
Girl: "yes, but this week their eyes are open...."