is it gonna be a snug-club time? If she goes I'll go
no, that place that Klenke met his girlfriend Stella with no pitcher was next door to the Ballroom...
hmmm... though not in this context, but a little relevant.
jap to some comes across as JAP... jewish american princess.
offensive to more than just the japanese.
okay, where were all you hosers! A fine time was had by like four of us, the beer was good, the salad was spicy, and the fine talk about star wars action figures, climbing scrapes and mutated fishtank alga making like underwater kudzu made for some amusement
It was a good show out in the 'quah... And it seems to be doing right outside as I type this Woohoooo!
Nothing like climbing with a pack with skis and long poles in a lightning storm
I'm not planning on heading out unless there is a dramatic change in the weather... Was out this afternoon, and too wet and thunderstormy to get out of the car. Went diving instead Lightning can't get me down there
Bottom line is we need one good dry day for this to be more fun. If it drys out tonight, or EARLY on Thursday, with the wind that blows by the tracks, things at E38 could dry off by afternoon, but looking at the forecast I'm not feeling optomistic. I say we play it by ear, but likelyhood is getting lower by the raindrop...
Could someone please clean up this thread??? Now that this forum is moderated, I can't seem to start a new "post" and its' getting kinda long to muddle through.
So. Thursday, May 19. I'll bring ropes and such. Carpool is open for business. I can seat a few, but not looking to stay out too late as have "work" in the a.m.
Got a kayak taking up space? If yer not askin' too much (or want to loan it to me for a summer) let me know... Trying to make sure I really like it before I cough up the $$$ for one (since my climbing, diving, cycling and photography hobbies suck up enough already)
Okay then, we shall kick off the first "girlsclimb" of the season, next week,
THURSDAY, MAY 19th, Exit 38, around 6pm... Whadda ya say? That should leave us a few hours to climb, no?