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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. Well, I'm going back on monday to pick em up... it's not a huge savings, but 10-15 bucks each tank buys a few lattes...
  2. But sporty, so figured I'd post it anyway... I'm taking in a bunch of scuba tanks to get them hydro'd, (I get a discount since a long long time ago I had a dive shop) I'm happy to pass on the savings if anyone here on cc.com dives and has a tank or two that need the old 5 year check up...
  3. How long are you going to be there???
  4. icegirl

    A First Banning

    case in point... otter, nodder, steaksauce... (sorry, couldn't resist)
  5. icegirl

    A First Banning

    I was already banned when I first checked out the site. Though I'm no longer banned, so it's no biggy. Now I can defend my dogs honor in the "battlecage".
  6. Man, I'm so jealous. Kenya is in my plans, I hope to go work in a hospital there... Unfortunately it's still a couple years out. I do have a great guide book that has some fantastic looking ice climbs on Mt. Kenya...
  7. icegirl

    A First Banning

    When I was a moderator at this site (cc.com) I could see IP addresses of posters in the forums I moderated. I really should cycle the modem, but it's not worth the effort
  8. Professor Crazy Whiskers
  9. use your feet. balance. less hands more feet at this stage in the game.
  10. depends on how scared you get Pitch length, ice conditions, and how much time you want to spend putting in gear also comes into play. I've seen TONS of gear placed and next to no gear placed on the same "climb" (take into account that conditions change) Practice putting your hands in the freezer, then putting on your lead climbing gloves that have been soaked with water and left in the freezer for a bit... hold your hands over your head for a while and then practice taking screws off your racking beiner one handed, after doing something with your ice tool (putting it over your shoulder?). Everyone's dexterity is different, but it will become apparent quickly how many is too many "Average" ice climb is a tough one. Some pitches are short, some are double rope stretchers... I only lead really easy stuff tho, so take what I say with a grain of salt
  11. Flat bastards work well for sharpening How far back did your pick break G? (1/4 inch or 1 inch) I guess it would work cause it makes a new lower edge/point on the tool... and being that "that" is what is hooking, not the tippy tip....
  12. HAH! they did that same thing to me... You've not been here for _____ days... I laughed.
  13. Kristie ROCKS!!! Hi Christie!
  14. I find sharpening (or at least just lightly sharpening, okay, call it fondling them if you must) my tools and crampons at the beginning of a week of thrashing on them, and then half way through (on the rest day) very relaxing... I have noticed a difference (even with my limited skill set) when climbing cold ice when the tools are sharp vs dull. Of course I could be imagining that, I have not done a placebo double blind study
  15. Make sure your leashes don't snug down to tight on your wrists when weighted therefore cutting off blood flow... Yeah, like pandora said... Wear a hat! Those smartwool beanies for climbing and something WARM that fits under your helmet at the belay. I do the same as DP re; thin gloves, climb in black diamond "Ice" gloves or the Smartwool Leathers, (both over a liner glove) and then at the belay use some variant on mittens, mitten shells over warm gloves, I do tend to carry a couple extra pairs of the liner gloves... The chemical warmers are good, I usually put them on the outside of my liner gloves (less itchy) keep in mind that the wamers need oxygen to work, so the tighter and more form fitting your gloves (and boots are for that matter) the "less" warm they will get, but on the bright side the longer they will last. It's always a pleasant surprise on the way down from some long climb, it's cold, dark, you are damp, etc, when you notice how tosty your hands are Aspirin ibuprofin, Naproxin, etc..(and garlic) all make ya bleed. We recommend stopping such things for 10 days to 2 weeks prior to surgery (if I remember correctly...) There is another thread currently discussing some of the pros and cons of tylenol vs NSAIDS in the body fitness forum.
  16. I love the feel of a sharp pick hitting ice in the morning...
  17. Wow, THOS looks SO sweet! Man am I jealous! Way to go guys!
  18. Happy Birthday Bandanna man Here's to another year under your fleece vest
  19. totally get it checked, could be a scaphoid fracture.
  20. Magic number please? pretty please?
  21. Hey now, that has nothing to do with "how would the puppy vote"... Sno, strangely enough, I'd not heard it with the Bush variant Go figure...
  22. unfortunately that's the only kind of joke i know At least I have lots of puppy pictures..
  23. joel... hang in there man. My bro is at Balad AFB. I have not heard from him for a week. Not only does he have to spend all the "major" holidays there, he has to spend his Birthday... Drag. My heart goes out to all of you! What's your addy so we can send you a care package ??? (if you want one, that is...)
  24. yeah, I couldn't remember the exact joke, but it's pretty close
  25. Sorry, I couldn't resist...
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