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Everything posted by icegirl

  1. icegirl

    Sell me...

    OlegV... After your climb, if you have used stuff you'd like to pay forward (sell, loan, etc..) to another climber, I'm looking for stuff to outfit my BF in that exact size range for denali climb in May... pm or email me...
  2. Bottom line it's got to be something he can connect with (the cambodia thing worked for my boyfriend, his dad took him one summer in HS as a Red Cross volunteer, and that encouraged him to volunteer in the Peace Corps after college, and then spend every summer in Africa doing some kind of humanitarian work. Now he's headed to Afghanistan to do surgery in an Emergency hospital there (no, he's not in the military). Sometimes its the little things that make a huge difference in a kids life. I think before that trip to cambodia he was planning on being an artist or something random One thing about volunteering... it works great in HS, college, but unless you have some kind of "fall back" as in your parents are helping fund school, it doesn't work well for those who are working to pay for school
  3. heheh... Spend a summer in Russia... He'll come back drinking vodka and swearing in russian Take him on a trip to cambodia and then encourage him to volunteer at a prosthetics lab...
  4. Early on I was raised without TV and "pop" culture, hadn't heard rock music until Jr. Highschool, first album was The Cars, heartbreak city. In place of that was immersed in all sorts of other things, raising and showing horses, ballet, classical music, apprenticed to a woodworker who made thousand dollar handmade spinning wheels starting with the tree (scratch), getting good grades, etc... What I found was that by the time I reached jr high/highschool I was SO profoundly 'different' from the rest of the kids (I didn't know who rick springfield was) that I stood out like a sore thumb. I think this happens also to kids who are brought up "priviledged" when they get to travel and experience many things, they again are very "different" from their peers and all they want to do is fit in... desperately. The best thing i think for me was getting involved in after school sports (just like minx) it was hard, cause we lived in the middle of nowhere, and i had to drive myself home (or bum a ride from a friend) but it forced me to interact with students that generally wouldn't give me the time of day cause they thought i was "weird", but here I was doing something that was in their eyes "normal" and therefore maybe a bit okay. It's also harder to be a jerk (and hide from the jerks) when you are on the playing field. 15 is a really really hard age. Often times the kid doesn't even know what's bugging him. My dad had a good way of dealing with this... He'd just talk to me. He figured if I was acting 'off' there was obviously something bothering me, so he'd gently try to find out what that was and talk about it. Sometime he'd just ask point blank. "You're driving me nuts, what's going on?!" (he's a psychiatrist) if your son was a caring neat kid early on, and has only recently changed, then more than likely it's just a phase and you probably don't need to worry too much. I asked my dad once what I was like when i was little (teens aside)... he replied: "you were pretty much the same person then that you are now". I'm hoping he was referring to my baseline personality, and not my maturity
  5. aw... great pictures while it lasted! can you say jealous????
  6. ya, elysian =
  7. yo distel, nice boots!! Dru... I don't know what to say....
  8. icegirl

    Women over 20

    amen sister! Total agreement.
  9. icegirl

    Women over 20

    AIDS in africa is sometimes called the "thin" disease. Thin = AIDS. Babies and young children will be the up and coming 'statistic' as far as I can tell on the "world" view... unprotected sex aside, it has a reasonable bit to do with older (40-60) men "marrying" younger (12-15) women (AKA striking a deal with the father) and infecting them and their babies wth the virus along with their other 10 wives after catching it "Somewehere else". Ken, glad to hear you are still there... Hopefully I'll catch up with you sooner than later... Love the "nipple" thing... hahahah
  10. icegirl


    he only wants them if they have pictures of boobs or sheep.
  11. icegirl

    Women over 20

    in what country? in africa they are lucky to make it to 55.
  12. icegirl

    Women over 20

    an upside of men and age is the desensitization that occurs. There was a study of partner satisfaction in the NY times a couple years ago that showed a trend towards women finding men in their 50's and 60's more able to satisfy and please them sexually. Whether this is due to ability to maintain an erection longer, or "knowledge" gained in a lifetime of attempting to please women, and their ability to "listen" to the woman when she is telling them what to do, was not made clear but it was probably a combined effect.
  13. icegirl

    Women over 20

    33 - check 34... 35, 36, 37, 38, 39...40....
  14. icegirl

    Women over 20

    Charles Atlas would be considered kind of round, thick in the trunk, and a bit soft by todays "media" standards... Despite winning the "most perfectly developed man" award in 1922
  15. icegirl

    Women over 20

    Bilcoe rocks. Mattp, thank you for entlightening the boys. This is for the rest.
  16. Pax, sending positive thoughts you and your friends direction... Hope you are doing okay too...
  17. I'm not sure "sexy profile" was a catagory
  18. ice Banks lake, eastern washington.
  19. sketch! Why girlclimbers are only safe in numbers at exit 38...
  20. icegirl

    Hey Ladies

    archenemy has the directions tattooed on her ass what do they say? "other side" "Wrong hole, dick!" "Wrong, asshole!"
  21. icegirl

    Hey Ladies

    archenemy has the directions tattooed on her ass what do they say? "other side"
  22. icegirl

    its tuesday...

    any interest in PC at the attic?
  23. icegirl

    Hey Ladies

    And even those poor chicks can find them a hell of a lot easier than most guys can
  24. maybe some kind of compartment syndrome? could be related to some kind of immune response. Your body will react to a beesting, just not "over-react"
  25. or how about this...
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